Media for generating leads in your e-commerce

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Media for generating leads in your e-commerce

Post by nurnobi75 »

Check out the main benefits of lead generation for your company below.

Capture the complete contact details of potential customers
be a content authority in your niche market
Educate the market about the area in which your company operates
understand the interest of the public visiting your website or social networks
Have direct communication via email or WhatsApp with potential customers
Nurture Leads at the right time until the moment of sale
Keep the sales pipeline always full of opportunities
Make sales with more recurrence and volume
Given this list of benefits, you can see how advantageous it is to dedicate yourself to lead generation. Now that you know what it is and its benefits, understand how to take the first steps and make it a routine for your company.

10 tips to increase lead generation in your e-commerce
1. Content Marketing
Remember that almost every purchase on the internet starts with research, so having a website and an updated blog with relevant content about your niche and products spain business fax list not only helps to attract a larger audience, but also brings in a qualified audience, thus increasing the generation of e-commerce leads.

2. Creating e-books
Offering rich material to your audience is a great way to capture more leads for your business. As a form of exchange, for the customer to receive the material, they will need to provide their email address.


However, understanding the stage the customer is at in the sales funnel, whether it is at the top, middle or end of the funnel, is essential for a good inbound marketing strategy, as it allows you to offer the material that is appropriate to the customer's moment.

The top-of-the-funnel customer has just started their journey and is trying to solve a problem or need. Therefore, they seek to understand the subject and find a solution. In the middle-of-the-funnel stage, the lead understands a little about the subject of their problem and is looking to solve it, even if they don't know exactly how to do it. For this stage, offer materials with tips and techniques, thus helping them.

At the end of the funnel, which would be the last stage before the purchase, are the qualified leads who are practically ready to be approached by the sales team. They already understand the subject of their problem, and they also already know the solution; they are just comparing which tool, service or product will best meet their needs.

The type of content offered to end-of-funnel leads should be a comparison between tools, test requests, consultancy and other solutions aimed at those who already know the problem they have and are ready to buy.

3. Articles in newspapers and magazines
Even when it comes to e-commerce, articles and publications in newspapers and magazines, when in the right section, are also great sources for capturing leads. In this case, the strategy is to provide a contact email at the end of the article and emphasize that questions and further information can be answered via email.

4. Online research
Participating in survey sites in your segment also allows users to leave their contact email. This way, it is possible to understand that good research on tastes, products and customs can help in the task of capturing leads.

5. Keyword and Keyphrase Research
Search engines use specific algorithms to add value to the user's search. That's why campaigns, websites, blogs and even e-commerce product descriptions must use SEO techniques that seek to answer potential arguments or questions from customers.

Read more: SEO Techniques: How to Optimize My Website

6. Structured data
Structuring data about events or happenings related to your e-commerce is a great way to become Google-friendly. A good tip is to launch products or offers. In this case, you need to structure the page URL to make it easier to promote. This technique helps to optimize results.

But imagine running campaigns to sell your digital products and not being able to identify which banner is getting most of the traffic. Terrible, isn't it? To help you with this task, there is Urchin Traffic Monitor, popularly known as UTM. But what is UTM after all?

It is a Google Analytics parameter used to track the origin of traffic on your website, blog, social network, email, advertisement, among other traffic sources.

When you create a UTM, Google's tool can recognize how your audience accessed a specific URL. This makes it possible to show more specific results in your campaign reports.

7. Link building
Link building involves exchanging links with other blogs and websites on topics related to your niche market. The most important thing is that the content is related and, above all, of high quality.

8. Webinar or video lectures
Webinars and online lectures are increasingly popular and allow for real-time interaction between both viewers and broadcasters. Record these programs and then make them available to those who missed them by exchanging contact information such as email and phone number.

9. Social media integration
It is essential that your brand is present on social media, thus getting closer to and interacting with your target audience. Managers are usually unsure about which social network their business should be present on. However, one factor needs to be taken into consideration: in addition to followers, the brand's profile needs to fit into that platform.

For example, if you have a restaurant and want to promote your products and knowledge, LinkedIn is not recommended, as it is a social network aimed at B2B.

Choose the social network that best fits your profile, and engage your audience, offering interesting facts, quality content and thus ensuring a good relationship so that at the right time they become a lead for your brand.
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