Internet advertising: the ultimate guide for beginners

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Internet advertising: the ultimate guide for beginners

Post by sakib30 »

Digital advertising: a revolution… with just a click.

And the Internet has changed everything : how we live, how we work, how we consume and—what you expected—how we advertise.

Thanks to it, any brand can advertise and gain visibility.

On a local scale or on a global scale.

And it doesn't matter how small you are, or how little knowledge you have of digital marketing.

By understanding the ABCs of online advertising , this tool is at latvia phone number data your fingertips. It's all a matter of trying and improving little by little. Keep reading, in this guide we talk about:


What is (and what is not) online advertising
Types of advertising and examples of online advertisements
How to choose the most suitable type of online advertising
Basics before starting to create online advertising
1 What is internet advertising?
2 Types and examples of internet advertising
2.1 1. Google Ads (search campaigns)
2.2 2. Google Display Ads
2.3 3. Social Ads
2.3.1 Facebook Ads
2.3.2 Instagram Ads
2.3.3 YouTube Ads
2.3.4 LinkedIn Ads
2.3.5 Twitter Ads
2.4 4. Email Marketing
2.5 5. Advertising in Gmail
3 How to choose the most suitable type of online advertising
3.1 1) The channels your audience spends time on.
3.2 2) The purchasing stage they are in
4 How to create online advertising
4.1 Internet advertising budget
4.2 PPC (Pay Per Click) Model
4.3 PPM (Pay Per Mille) Model
4.4 Create an advertising campaign in Google Ads
4.5 Create advertising on social networks
4.6 Create an advertising campaign with email marketing
What is internet advertising?
Let's start at the beginning.

«Online advertising is a type of advertising that is carried out through different digital channels: email, social networks, websites, blogs, apps, search results rankings and any other online media or platform.»

This definition of online advertising may seem absurd to you because it is so simple, but there is no need to reinvent the wheel.

Internet advertising, online advertising, digital advertising… it doesn't matter, in general, they are different names for the same concept: advertising actions carried out in a digital medium.

Okay, so we know what online advertising is. But it's also important to clarify what it isn't.

Some people talk about “online advertising” when they actually mean “online marketing” in general. This is a common mistake because, online or not, marketing is a broader concept.

Have you ever heard of the four Ps of marketing?

Product or service
Point of sale
These four Ps are the basic elements of the definition of the marketing concept. And as you can see, advertising corresponds only to the last point: the P of Promotion .

Advertising consists of carrying out promotional actions with the aim of increasing brand visibility and, consequently, sales. That is precisely what advertisements on billboards, in the press or on television do.

And on the Internet? Well, there are ads too, but they are made in other formats and distributed through other channels.

→ Instead of an advertisement in a magazine, we place a banner in a digital medium.

→ Instead of a TV spot, we make a YouTube video.

→ Instead of a billboard, we run a Social Ads campaign.

In fact, major brands, the protagonists of television or outdoor advertising campaigns, also include online advertising as a mandatory ingredient in their mix.

Because they know they have to be where their audience is: and that place is less and less a television…

…and increasingly it is a mobile phone, a tablet or a computer.

Types and examples of internet advertising
Ok, we already have the theory, the definition. But there are many types and formats of online advertising.

So the best way to understand what online advertising is and what opportunities it offers is to look at examples of advertisements.

Let's get down to business: there are more, but these are the main types of online advertising that you should know about.

Google Ads
Google Display Ads
Social Ads
Gmail Ads
Email marketing
1. Google Ads (search campaigns)
Google Ads is Google's advertising platform, formerly known as Adwords.

And perhaps the most popular form of advertising on the Internet (along with banners, which we will discuss later).

The way it works is simple: when a potential buyer performs a search related to your product or service… BAM! Google displays your ads.

Let's look at an example. Imagine that you have a small online store and you have just identified a need for your business: getting up to date with social media.

You type “social media management” into the search engine and this is what comes up.

Example of advertising on Google Ads

Google shows you ads for management tools and social media agencies because it has deduced from your search that you are not yet clear about what you want.

Are you looking for a tool to do it yourself? Maybe an agency or someone who will do it for you professionally?

If you were clearly looking for an external service, you would probably have entered a different query: something like “social media agencies” . And in that case, the results would be different as well.
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