How to choose the energy supplier for your company

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How to choose the energy supplier for your company

Post by pappu888 »

In the energy sector, one can become overwhelmed with the various options offered by the market, either because they seem complex or because you do not know exactly what suits you.

In addition, energy service companies offer different rates , different payment options and many other variants that can make the process of choosing the energy supplier for your company tedious.

In this article we will explain the aspects to take into account in your search, to speed up the process and help you finally find the best supplier for you.
Analyze the market
Like any search, it will be based on comparing what type canadian cto cio email list of services each company offers, to see which one best fits your needs.

It must be clear that one thing is the energy distribution company , which is the one that physically brings electricity to homes, and another is the supplier or marketing company , which is responsible for selling energy to consumers through a tariff system. The distribution company is also responsible for the entire electrical infrastructure and its maintenance: the cables, the electricity meter... They are responsible for the quality of the supply. For example, if you have a supply problem you have to contact the distribution company , to find out which one is yours you can check one of your invoices.


You will see that there are many well-known supplier companies, but on the other hand, the distributors will not sound as familiar to you. This is because the distribution companies are spread out geographically throughout Spain , so you are automatically assigned the one that operates in your area. Both the distribution companies and the suppliers are essential for you to be able to get to the office and turn on all the devices, starting with turning on the light in your office. Energy prices vary from one company to another. We recommend that you first check their websites and then call them to get all the information you need.

Before making these calls, you should know how much energy you usually consume , so that these companies can give you an assessment based on your actual consumption. Access the billing history of your current company to check your consumption. This will allow you to offer specific data. We recommend that you make a list of all the suppliers you plan to call. It does not need to be an extensive list, choose a few and find out about their services thoroughly.
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