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They Want Let's Take a Look at This

Post by sadiksojib127 »

Also, don’t forget to review your content. If the mobile version of your site is not the same as the desktop version mobile responsive instead of mobile-friendly, make sure that the content is of similar quantity and quality in both versions. . Page Loading Speed Page speed is the time it takes for all the content on a given page to fully load. This should not be confused with “site speed”, which is the rate at which page views are instantiated across the entire website, and “time to first byte” refers to the time it takes for the first data to be received from the server.

According to Google, of users will abandon brazil mobile phone numbers database your page if it takes more than seconds to load, and bounce rate is also an important ranking factor. You can monitor your page speed with Google's PageSpeed ​​Insights tool and improve your site with the suggestions provided. . Technical Factors This is actually a collection of various technical factors, including, but not limited to, page titles and title tags.


These include Using the target keyword in page titles. The general guideline is to use your focus keyword as early in the title as possible. Google indexes the title first to determine the context and relevance of your content. The META description should be natural and appealing to human readers, while also naturally incorporating target keywords. You should summarize the META description by keeping it short and effective.

Use of heading tags H, H, H, etc. to properly structure the content. This helps Google index the content more easily and improves readability. By using target keywords in image alt tags , you tell Google that the images are relevant to your content. It also provides accessibility for visually impaired users. By using structured data markup, you give Google the ability to correctly recognize different elements on your site.
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