it (still) influence SEO positioning on Google?
PageRank is one of the parameters to define the positioning of a website on Google. In the past it was certainly one of the most used metrics to determine the value of the website and the outgoing links from that domain. And those who still have a bit of old memory surely remember the green bar of the browser that measured everything with a scale from 0 to 10. Updates occurred every 3 months.
Clearly, a newly published website has the absolute minimum value while Google itself was (perhaps) the only portal that could proudly show off the fateful Pagerank 10 .
But is all this useful today? Can we still include PageRank among the SEO metrics useful for evaluating the quality of a website? Here's what you need to know to best address this topic.
Table of Contents
What is PageRank, a definition
How PageRank Works and Is It Calculated
How can I find out the PageRank of the site?
Does this still apply to SEO?
4 elements that influence this value
Page link
History of the domain
Content quality
Sector relevance
Do we still need to measure PageRank?
What is PageRank, a definition
PageRank – a word composed of Page and rank, meaning classification – is a mathematical algorithm created by the founders of Google to order websites entered into the search Peru Phone Numbers engine. Larry Page (yes, that’s where the name PageRank comes from) and Sergey Brin developed it at Stanford University .
They did it using hyperlinks. How does this structure work? Let's start by pointing out that, in the official presentation document, PageRank is defined as
“ An objective measure of its citation importance that corresponds well with people's subjective idea of importance. Because of this correspondence, PageRank is an excellent way to prioritize the results of web searches”.
To summarize, PageRank measures the value of a web page based on the quantity and quality of links. The higher the PR of a publication, the greater the benefit a domain will receive when it gets a backlink . It is not difficult to imagine that in the past SEOs were very attached to this metric – based on an algorithmic scale – which could also be used as a purchase and sale of incoming links.
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How PageRank Works and Is It Calculated
In the past, there was only the green bar on the Google Toolbar that gave indications regarding the presence of a value ranging from 0 to 10. Behind this indication, however, lies a refined calculation.

How does Google work in this case? It goes from considering the simple number of links received to the value that the single link has, so as not to flatten all the backlinks on the same level. The calculation of PageRank is expressed by a formula published in the already linked official document.
PR(A) = (1-d) + d (PR(T1)/C(T1) + ... + PR(Tn)/C(Tn))
The PR of page A is given by the value of all pages that go from T1 to Tn in relation to the parameter d. That is, it is a damping factor set at 0.85. In short, without going too much into the details of the algorithmic formula of PageRank, we can say that this metric does not simply evaluate the quantity of links by normalizing the number of links on a page.
understand how Google search works. A good analysis work must take this aspect into account without, obviously, falling back into the frenzy of the past in which PageRank was the only element to consider.
Domain Authority, Zoom Authority and other proprietary metrics try to fill a void that is not a void. The numerical update is missing. But PageRank is alive and well and should be included in the SEO audi