Another common use for parameters is to specify an item to display

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Another common use for parameters is to specify an item to display

Post by khatunhumaira »

Specify which can be a product sheet, a blog post, a category, a user profile, for example . Parameters that specify the search must be indexed, but only if they define a unique item.

Pagination (?p=): parametric URLs are also used to manage pagination , for example . In my opinion pagination should be managed with the rel=prev/next attributes (even if deprecated), or with a canonical to the “ view all ” page .

Tracking (?utm_source): Parameters are also used to track the referral channels of usages of car owner database visits within web analytics platforms, for example . Tracking parameters do not modify the content of the canonical page, so these parameterized URLs should not be indexed by search engines.

Translate (?lang=): Using URL parameters is an alternative to dedicated ccTLDs or gTLDs , such as . I honestly never use this translation method for my sites, but I have come across competitors who use this method. That said, what is the best way to manage these translation parameters for SEO? Obviously, the translation parameters must be indexed if you want your site to be found in search results!

For more information, read the post: International Website: Is a Localized TLD or a Generic One Better?
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