The shopping experience between online and offline

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The shopping experience between online and offline

Post by ahbappy250 »

The technology behind the concept of proximity
For the few who don't know, when we talk about proximity marketing, or proximity marketing, we are talking about the technological ability to build mobile applications that are able to react dynamically to environmental stimuli dictated by the position of the customer's smartphone.

Currently, the most widely used technology to provide this type of stimuli is the emission of continuous signals via the Bluetooth protocol (the same one, for example, that connects our cell phones kazakhstan phone number to the hands-free kit in our car or to the home stereo). To achieve this, small devices are used - about the size of a matchbox - called beacons .

Proximity Marketing: What Are Beacons Used For?
Beacons, devices that transmit a proximity signal via the Bluetooth system

Beacons are small, battery-powered devices that emit a constant signal in a radius ranging from a few centimeters to a few dozen meters. This signal can be collected by an enabled app installed on the mobile device and used as an interpreter to signal to the app itself that it is near a certain location.

At that point, the software must react in a preordained way: by opening the product sheet of a specific washing machine, to stay with the example from earlier.
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