Now that can lead to a situation in the body, where it changes its preference for fat storage. And it also changes the function of cortisol. So theoretically, I know we're getting into a lot of detail here, but your body becomes more prone to storing weight around the middle. I've mentioned a few things here. I've mentioned the role of estrogen in your being dominant and your issues with high estrogen. So at menopause, there will be very little estrogen. You've gone through ovarian senescence, as we call it, which is where the ovaries stop producing estrogen. So estrogen levels would be low. Estrogen is such an important hormone, but it needs to be at the right level. At menopause, the levels are going to be too low. So we need a certain amount of estrogen to drive healthy fat metabolism. And it's also protected for the brain, the cardiovascular system, and the bones. So I guess if we back up a little bit and answer the question, is it inevitable that your body shape will change?
Dr. Tam: In most cases it is inevitable. There are things you can do to make that inevitability less pronounced. For example, you mentioned that very few people like you see in older women lifting weights, and oman email list there are two reasons behind that, one, I think, and you can disagree or agree that one needs to feel strong to lift weights, to begin with. It's like I exclude you, I'm going to the gym or I feel a little bit weak to do that, and therefore I will avoid it. So there needs to be a gradual approach to weights. Also, I don't like the word lifting, but weights.
Brock: Yeah, it sounds like bodybuilding or something. But resistance training, what do you think?
Dr. Tam: Resistance training. So I think there has to be a balance between some intensity, some weight training or resistance training. So, anything that puts the muscles under tension, and encourages a strengthening response so that cardiovascular endurance at stroke intensity and then endurance. And then also restorative exercise, which is often neglected, and that's more of the yoga, Pilates, breath work, etc. I think there has to be a balance of all three. Now, I'm trying to get this into a system where your listeners can understand, because it's complex.