In general, the desire to be consistent pushes people to complete what they have started. This is actively used on the Internet as a marketing ploy - this principle is used to click on the "Find out the result" links when taking tests, as well as messages that there is very little left until the end of registration - 20%, etc. Some social networks motivate the user to properly fill out the profile in this way.
8. Don't forget about the halo effect - the unjustified transfer of positive or negative traits of a person/phenomenon/product from one area to another. For example, we tend to attribute such traits as kindness, nobility, and purity of intentions to beautiful people. A large-scale study of the 1974 Canadian elections found that physically attractive candidates received 2.5 times more votes. It is not surprising that media advertising so often uses images of beautiful people, and that CEOs of large corporations are forced to literally invest in their appearance.
9. Include confirmation bias - a technique based on the dependence of the answer on the wording of the question itself. For example, if a person has a neutral opinion about your company, you can improve it by simply asking questions like "How did you find our product useful?", "What did you like most about our latest release?" etc. In the process of finding an answer to this question, the person will involuntarily formulate a positive judgment about you.
10. Tempt with forbidden fruit (Streisand effect) - convince people that the information you are distributing will soon be banned or removed. This is probably the first marketing trick known to world culture.
Many viral advertising videos and mailings are based on this principle. American Barbra Streisand tried to force one photographer to remove an image of her house from a photo bank. She went to court and raised a fuss, trying to prohibit the use of a photo of her house. As a result, instead of 6 views of this photo, 420 thousand were received!
11. Consider priming (presetting) — the effectiveness of an advertising message depends not only on its content and targeting, but also on the context in which it is presented. An example of failed priming: in 2008, and breaking her leg, and then showed an ad for the Mondeo Foundation, which descends from the sky on balloons. Associations with injuries are unlikely to increase car sales, right?
Yes, you should consider the environment in which your ad is displayed. The perception of an whatsapp number mobile number list with name ad depends to a large extent on the content it is adjacent to. Here is a textbook example of an unsuccessful neighborhood in advertising - next to an article about a tragic grizzly attack on a group of children there is an advertising banner with a bear, calling for a peaceful rest in the bosom of nature. A clear confirmation that setting up contextual and contextual media advertising is a delicate matter.
12. Encourage a sense of self-importance. Play on the consumer's vanity, as L'Oréal did with its famous slogan "Because you're worth it!"
13. Use the endowment effect - buyers like to know that what they own has value, that they made the right choice. Many people, having already made a purchase, convince themselves that the purchase was justified. Therefore, after receiving the payment, it is worth morally encouraging the buyer with a phrase like: "Congratulations! Now, with the help of this vacuum cleaner, you can clean the apartment 2.5 times faster!"
It's amazing how many salespeople underestimate the importance of post-sales communication. If you suddenly lose interest in the buyer after the money has moved into the cash register, he may get the impression that he is a spent material. Then it is unlikely that he will contact you again - no marketing tricks will help. But it is the return of satisfied customers that usually grows the business! Read the article about it.
14. Use the edge effect (the power of the first and last impression) - this principle is actively used in mnemonics for a reason. In an information series, we remember the beginning and the end best.