More than 1,000 companies will benefit from European Commission support for web application developers using FIWARE technology . With a budget of more than 100 million euros, of which 80 million are for SMEs and startups, the FIWARE programme is starting its 3rd phase and will be presented at the European Conference on the Future Internet (ECFI) , which will take place on 17 and 18 September in Munich.
The event will be attended by gcash data the 16 accelerators responsible for launching the open calls , mentoring and sponsoring the candidates, who will have the opportunity to present their Future Internet projects in person. During ECFI Munich 2014, success stories will be presented and workshops will be held to publicise other projects designed with FIWARE technology since 2011, one of the most ambitious projects of the public body in collaboration with private companies in the field of the Future Internet (FI) .
“The Internet is a perfect opportunity for any kind of innovation” explains Nelie Kroes, Vice-President of the European Commission. During the event, a meeting place for developers, accelerators, politicians and entrepreneurs, broadcast via Live Streaming , the latest technologies of the Internet of the Future and their application in strategic sectors of the European economy such as health, transport, education, energy, agriculture or Smart Cities will be presented .
Participants, who can register at , will be able to learn about the latest developments and projects of the Internet of the Future first-hand from the leading representatives of this transition led by FIWARE. “If you are a startup or small-medium-sized company with a brilliant idea for a new app or service, ECFI is a great way to make your digital dream come true,” explains Neelie Kroes, Head of the Digital Agenda at the European Commission .
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The 1st edition of ECFI took place in April in Brussels. These meetings were created to bring together key players in the innovation sector. The objective of ECFI and FIWARE is to create a sustainable and profitable innovation ecosystem and to promote the growth of the business sector from Europe. To this end, an open and innovative platform is being put on the table, hosted in the cloud and developed with open source technology that provides more direct access to the development of commercial services and products based on FIWARE platform technologies.