Secrets inside the black box: Current problems with artificial intelligence

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Secrets inside the black box: Current problems with artificial intelligence

Post by [email protected] »

Artificial intelligence (AI) is having a revolutionary impact on the way we interact with technology, changing the way we work, travel, entertain and live, but this is just the beginning.

The next stage is so-called "explainable artificial intelligence" (also known as XAI), which is characterized by making it easier for humans to understand the causes behind their actions. And how exactly does it work? Why do we need it? How will it completely change the way industries (especially marketing) operate ?

There is no doubt that the results that artificial intelligence belgium whatsapp number data 5 million can create are amazing. Not only can computers process huge amounts of data in a very short period of time, they can also learn, make decisions and take actions on their own, allowing many industries to change their thinking patterns. A survey by PricewaterhouseCoopers, a professional audit and consulting service organization, shows that the market value of artificial intelligence is approximately US$15 trillion . However, current artificial intelligence has a serious shortcoming: a lack of explanation.


In other words, artificial intelligence cannot explain to humans the reasons behind its decisions and actions. This shortcoming is sometimes called a "black box" in machine learning. For example, all calculations and decision-making processes occur behind the scenes, and artificial intelligence is usually unable to explain in detail the reasoning process and reasons for making a certain decision.
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