More than half a year has passed since the introduction of the new status, but we still receive clients with half-dead advertising campaigns, clogged with disabled groups. Since January, advertisers have been looking for a solution to what to do with the "few impressions" status. Moreover, the number of such queries in Yandex search has been steadily growing since the introduction of the block.
History of the query "few impressions in direct what to do"
Oddly enough, the number of requests for this problem is not decreasing, but rather continues to grow.
Are you a business owner and want to figure out how to make taiyuan telephone number data effective advertising yourself? Are there still blocked groups in your advertising campaign with the message "Few impressions for this group..."? Have you recently asked Yandex "few impressions in Direct what to do"? Then this article is for you, you will find answers, step-by-step instructions and screenshots:
Let's briefly consider the possible reasons for the status's appearance;
we will find the most effective solutions;
we will analyze a method that will not only help solve the problem with blocking impressions, but will also radically change your understanding of preparing advertising campaigns, will significantly increase the speed of setting up a campaign, and its overall effectiveness;
We will show you how to use a little-known but very convenient Direct tool for quickly preparing advertising for online stores.
What is the status "low impressions"?
Direct ad groups with very low traffic are now automatically stopped and transferred to a new status "Few impressions". The status applies to both search and network advertising campaigns.
Important! We are talking about ad impressions, not clicks on them. This status is given to ad groups for which there are statistics that over the last 28 days ad impressions were close to zero, or there were none at all.
The second important point is that the work of the entire ad group is assessed. That is, if you have only one key phrase in an ad group and there have been no impressions for it over the past 28 days or 1-2 random impressions, then the system blocks this group and sets the status "Few impressions". If several key phrases are involved in the group and at least one of them has stable impressions, then the group continues to be shown regardless of the number of "dead" key phrases in the group.
Example of blocking a group with the status "Few impressions for this group. Try changing the settings"
An example of a group blocked due to lack of search results.
Why might there be “few impressions” in Yandex.Direct?
Now let's take a closer look at which ads may fall into the risk group:
Groups that use one or two very low-frequency keywords (for brevity, I'll call them super low-frequency keys), with a forecast of impressions or an actual number of impressions over the last 28 days of 0 or 1. This is our main problem category, and below we'll go into detail about what to do with these keys.
Groups with medium or low-frequency keywords have a strong seasonal dependence . For example, the phrase "buy a snowmobile ski doo" when displayed on Moscow and the Moscow region in January has a forecast of 203 displays per month, and in May - June less than 10. After the end of the winter season, a group with such a keyword can easily get "few displays".
Those ads that receive “few impressions” despite medium or high-frequency keywords are due to the settings of the group or the entire campaign as a whole .

Let's say you use a keyword in a group with a forecast of 1,500 impressions per month. It seems like there's nothing to worry about. But let's remember Yandex's wording: "with the current settings, ads from the group are shown extremely rarely or not at all." Pay attention to the beginning of the phrase: "with the current settings." What settings could these be?
Except for the cases of seasonal and low-frequency keys described above, in fact, everything else comes down to two options - too low a bid or some display restrictions are set in the campaign or group settings. For example, adjusting bids to decrease for a certain age or audience segment. A common error occurs when a large number of negative words are set in a campaign for YAN, and Yandex cannot select pages for displaying ads for many key phrases.
How to bypass the "low impressions" status in Yandex Direct
For the third risk group, the general recommendations are simple - check bids, bid adjustments, and negative keywords. Let me remind you that adjustments are set both at the campaign level and at the ad group level. You need to check both. Plus, adjustments can be set for time ranges and, more recently, for geographic regions at the campaign level. And negative keywords are set at the keyword, ad group, and entire campaign level.