Relationship between time management and work stress

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Relationship between time management and work stress

Post by subornaakter40 »

You will not be a better manager or director if you have to put in more hours to do your job , but rather by finding a way to make the time you work productive and contain efforts that are worthwhile to run the business. On the contrary, a leader who tries to demonstrate the value of the number of hours he works by trying to replicate this behavior in his team will only get the people around him to end up as stressed as he is and, either due to health problems or frustration, leave the company.

Obviously, there will always be periods of greater workload that will require a little more dedication in terms of time, but this seasonality must be controlled, preventing working long hours estonia telegram data from becoming a permanent habit that can affect the balance with personal life.

Health problems are becoming more frequent
Due to inconsistent time management, you are more likely to suffer from health problems linked to work stress . As stressful situations are largely generated by an unrealistic workload with the time available , we can develop deeper levels of stress such as burnout syndrome, which is an extreme form of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and poor personal performance.

Working without rest, far from generating better results in the business sphere, will cause the opposite effect. As a result of fatigue from excessive physical and mental effort (sleeping few hours, eating outside of hours or not eating, thinking too much about company problems, etc.), productivity will decrease along with motivation. This will often cause the body to generate negative responses in the form of illness, as a defense mechanism against what it cannot balance healthily. So, you could spend all night building a business plan to present the next day but, a few hours or days after the presentation, feel the effects of the effort on your body.

Health problems related to time management

Presence of personal conflicts that did not occur before
When you are young and perhaps living in tune with a young person, spending all day working is probably not only tolerable but even normal for you. However, when new family obligations arise as part of the commitment to building a family, working the same way as before will no longer be an acceptable option and will become a problem.
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