Return on Investment (ROI) evaluates the profitability of your email campaigns by comparing generated revenue to incurred costs. Calculate ROI by dividing total revenue by total spend and multiplying by 100. A high ROI indicates that your email campaigns are cost-effective and profitable.
On average, email marketing can deliver an ROI of $42 for every $1 spent.
List Health Metrics
List health metrics are crucial for maintaining a robust and engaged email list. Metrics like bounce rates and unsubscribe rates reveal the quality of your email list and highlight areas needing attention.
Monitoring these metrics ensures your email list remains healthy and effective.
Bounce Rate
Bounce rate indicates the percentage of sent emails that were undelivered. Bounces are classified into hard bounces (invalid or non-existent addresses) and soft bounces (temporary issues like full mailboxes).
Regularly monitor and address bounce rates to maintain austria whatsapp phone number a healthy email list. Aim to keep your bounce rate below 0.5% for optimal email performance.
Unsubscribe Rate
The unsubscribe rate measures the percentage of recipients who opt-out from receiving future emails. Calculate it by dividing the number of unsubscribes by emails delivered, then multiplying by 100. An unsubscribe rate below 0.5% indicates positive engagement with your email content.
A high unsubscribe rate may signal issues with your content or frequency. To address this, consider including an unsubscribe link in your communications.
List Growth Rate
List growth rate measures the increase in your email list over time. Calculate it by subtracting unsubscribes from new subscribers, dividing by the current number of subscribers, and multiplying by 100.
A positive growth rate is crucial for sustaining a successful email marketing strategy. A good target to aim for is a list growth rate of 2.5%. Strive to achieve this goal.
Deliverability Metrics