Relevance and quality of the landing page

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Relevance and quality of the landing page

Post by arzina221 »

1. Click-through rate
It has been known for years that the click-through rate (CTR) is of the utmost importance for obtaining a better quality score. It is of course logical that a higher position also automatically has a higher CTR, but when calculating the quality score, the position at which your advertisement is shown is normalized. AdWords therefore takes into account the position on the results page with the search results. In other words; a first position on the second search results page can yield an excellent quality score, even if the CTR is lower than with a display on the first search results page.

2. Relevance of the advertising text
Campaign_Management 2The relevance of your ad text to your keyword affects the height of your quality score. Suppose you use the ad text shown here and you use keywords such as bicycle, scooter, car, then these keywords will get a low quality score. Firstly, because the keyword does not appear in the ad text and secondly, the ad text is not specifically about the means of transport, but about tyres. The expectation is therefore that a user of the search engine who types in car as the keyword is not necessarily looking for tyres. The ad text is therefore not relevant to the keywords used. In other words; if you want a higher quality score, make sure that the keywords you are advertising on also appear in your ad text.

Even if you think that the landing page is not really meant to be indexed, Google still visits this page and analyzes to what extent this page is relevant to the keywords and ad texts used. If this does not match, it will have a negative impact on your quality score. Of course, the construction quality of your landing page is also important. Think of a short loading time and good code quality.

Other, but slightly lesser known, facts about lebanon phone data Quality Score are the 4 below. Once you have these 7 facts stuck in your head like a mantra and actively apply them, your Quality Score will increase (and with that your cost per click will decrease).

Repeating keywords in your ad has no effect on your quality score. It is much more important to ensure that the text you use in your ad can also be found directly on your landing page, that the content on your landing page is original and that you have a clear proposition. With the latter I specifically mean that, when you indicate in your ad text that you are giving a free demo, this can also be seen directly on your landing page.

5. Exact keyword count
Google recognizes three types of keywords that you can apply in your campaign. These are:

Exact match: exact match with minor variations.
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