Common types of discounts
Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2024 4:27 am
Now let's look at the most common types of discounts and the specifics of their application:
Club. You create a community around your online store. You give members privileges in the form of discounts. It is not suitable for every product, since it implies regular purchases. For example, for a men's cosmetics store - yes. Stylish bearded men will always need beard oil, shampoos, etc. But for an online store specializing in selling refrigerators, this approach will not work. After all, a refrigerator is bought once every few years.
Collective / Wholesale. For example, you bought shoes for the whole family, got a discount. This is similar to a wholesale discount, since it works on the same principle. If people buy a large amount of goods at once, you can afford to lower the price.
Holiday. Many people purposefully wait for sales timed to coincide with the holidays. For example, a family may hold off on buying a new plasma TV, realizing that New Year's discounts will soon begin. It is important for an entrepreneur to think through such activities in advance, not to wait until the last minute.
Seasonal. Good for stimulating more even sales throughout the year. You can always go the other way. For example, you can sell some shashlik lighter fluid in the cold season if you offer a good price. And then the product will no longer be stored in your warehouse, but in the buyer's garage.
For regular customers. Giving a small discount to a previously attracted customer is often more profitable than attracting a new one. Here, discounts are included in various loyalty programs, which also imply bonuses and gifts.
Personalized, or for specific groups of people. For example, for pensioners, etc. Quite often, such promotions generate very clickable headlines. Phrases like "25% discount for students" arouse interest among students, despite their hackneyed nature.
Discount on a locomotive product. You give a huge discount on some product, selling it with almost no profit for yourself. People come to the online store and buy something else at the same time. For example, accessories for the locomotive product or just a product accidentally noticed on your site. However, it should be noted that this technique works better offline. If the buyer physically came to the store for the locomotive product, he may be too lazy to go elsewhere for related products. On the whatsapp number russia Internet, it's a matter of a few mouse clicks.
In exchange for a useful action. For example, in gratitude for a review, recommendation, like or share on social networks. In fact, the user will still pay you, just with a useful action, not with money.
There is an interesting psychological moment here - as soon as the user takes even a small, symbolic action, the discount given to him acquires special value. After all, he did something for it.
The discount can be provided in a non-standard, creative way. As in the online store "Uncle Beard" developed by us .
Alternatives to discounts - gifts and bonus programs
Discounts will always be successful because they are based on one of the basic desires of people - the desire to get more and pay less. Bonus programs and gifts for new and regular customers work on a similar principle. Let's look at these alternative solutions.
Bonus programs have a significant advantage over discounts. It consists in the fact that the entrepreneur does not lose live revenue "in the moment". Instead, points are awarded for making a purchase in the future. Thus, the buyer's motivation is preserved - after all, he understands that with a competent approach he will be able to save in the future. However, according to statistics, a significant number of points are either not used by the consumer or burn out. The downside is that the bonus program is only suitable for areas that involve regular purchases. And some categories of goods are bought very rarely by people.
Club. You create a community around your online store. You give members privileges in the form of discounts. It is not suitable for every product, since it implies regular purchases. For example, for a men's cosmetics store - yes. Stylish bearded men will always need beard oil, shampoos, etc. But for an online store specializing in selling refrigerators, this approach will not work. After all, a refrigerator is bought once every few years.
Collective / Wholesale. For example, you bought shoes for the whole family, got a discount. This is similar to a wholesale discount, since it works on the same principle. If people buy a large amount of goods at once, you can afford to lower the price.
Holiday. Many people purposefully wait for sales timed to coincide with the holidays. For example, a family may hold off on buying a new plasma TV, realizing that New Year's discounts will soon begin. It is important for an entrepreneur to think through such activities in advance, not to wait until the last minute.
Seasonal. Good for stimulating more even sales throughout the year. You can always go the other way. For example, you can sell some shashlik lighter fluid in the cold season if you offer a good price. And then the product will no longer be stored in your warehouse, but in the buyer's garage.
For regular customers. Giving a small discount to a previously attracted customer is often more profitable than attracting a new one. Here, discounts are included in various loyalty programs, which also imply bonuses and gifts.
Personalized, or for specific groups of people. For example, for pensioners, etc. Quite often, such promotions generate very clickable headlines. Phrases like "25% discount for students" arouse interest among students, despite their hackneyed nature.
Discount on a locomotive product. You give a huge discount on some product, selling it with almost no profit for yourself. People come to the online store and buy something else at the same time. For example, accessories for the locomotive product or just a product accidentally noticed on your site. However, it should be noted that this technique works better offline. If the buyer physically came to the store for the locomotive product, he may be too lazy to go elsewhere for related products. On the whatsapp number russia Internet, it's a matter of a few mouse clicks.
In exchange for a useful action. For example, in gratitude for a review, recommendation, like or share on social networks. In fact, the user will still pay you, just with a useful action, not with money.
There is an interesting psychological moment here - as soon as the user takes even a small, symbolic action, the discount given to him acquires special value. After all, he did something for it.
The discount can be provided in a non-standard, creative way. As in the online store "Uncle Beard" developed by us .
Alternatives to discounts - gifts and bonus programs
Discounts will always be successful because they are based on one of the basic desires of people - the desire to get more and pay less. Bonus programs and gifts for new and regular customers work on a similar principle. Let's look at these alternative solutions.
Bonus programs have a significant advantage over discounts. It consists in the fact that the entrepreneur does not lose live revenue "in the moment". Instead, points are awarded for making a purchase in the future. Thus, the buyer's motivation is preserved - after all, he understands that with a competent approach he will be able to save in the future. However, according to statistics, a significant number of points are either not used by the consumer or burn out. The downside is that the bonus program is only suitable for areas that involve regular purchases. And some categories of goods are bought very rarely by people.