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Multi-machine operation

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2024 4:26 am
by samiul123
Contextual , targeted advertising, SEO , SMM , offline channels vary greatly in their settings. In addition, they are constantly changing. One person cannot master them all. In a situation where all advertising tasks are burdened on one employee, he begins to either fail or cheat.

Case: The customer decided to check the work of his "multi-tasker". Once we encountered a mind-boggling situation , which was later even reported on The customer contacted us, doubting the competence and honesty of yet another "jack of all trades". He claimed success in SEO promotion of the site. However, the "promotion" carried out did not affect the number of incoming applications. We conducted an audit and identified traffic manipulation, harmful to the history of the domain!

24. Lies in advertising
The misconception that advertisers should lie has already buried more than one brand. The modern consumer is skeptical and smart, cheap tricks in the style of Basilio the cat will fool few people.

A fundamentally wrong idea about the relationship between advertisers and the buyer

25. Random selection of advertising channel
When we ask some entrepreneurs why they advertise in such and such a place, we sometimes hear astonishing answers like: “it’s fashionable now”, “it just happened”, “competitors advertise here”, “friends place their ads here”. Firstly, marketing channels should be selected based on an analysis of your individual situation. Secondly, they should be tested, taking into account the further fate of leads in the sales funnel.

26. Expecting the impossible
The final profit in any case depends on a combination of factors, and not just the whatsapp number list effectiveness of advertising. If a company has rude managers, the quality of the product is poor, and competitors' offers are better in everything, no advertising will help. Here it is appropriate to quote the advertising genius William Bernbach: "A great advertising campaign will only accelerate the failure of a bad product!"


27. Over-reliance on trends
The desire to keep your finger on the pulse of modern trends is commendable, but there should also be a sense of proportion. Before dropping everything and rushing into the same TikTok, you first need to make sure that this advertising channel directly meets your needs.

28. Inconsistency
Some entrepreneurs prefer to experiment chaotically with different advertising contractors and platforms instead of developing and following a marketing strategy. In our opinion, it is more logical to more carefully select advertising contractors from the start in order to work with them over longer periods. A jumper advertiser will never get into the marketing Eldorado - too much money and time will be spent on starting over again each time.

29. Perception of the bid price as a panacea
On the one hand, we understand entrepreneurs who use the cost per lead as their main KPI. On the other hand, without control over all stages of the sales funnel, this approach can be misleading. First, it may turn out that an advertising channel with more expensive leads is ultimately much more profitable for you, because the clients who come from there buy more often and more. Second, advertising through a channel with a higher cost per lead may remain profitable.