Electronic billing to administrations: my logbook

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Electronic billing to administrations: my logbook

Post by Aklima@4 »

I arrive home after a hard day's work. And instead of entertaining myself with any of the many programs that are on TV at this time of day, I decide to do what I don't feel like doing at all, after all the wandering I've been doing from one place to another all day.

But I make an effort. I sort out papers, classify delivery notes. Everything is ready to start invoicing.

Suddenly, something comes to mind… I work for the Administration, for several Administrations, and therefore, I have to make them an electronic invoice… Oh God… this is where my ordeal begins.

I take out my notebook where I have been transcribing everything that refers to the electronic invoice, and just looking at it makes my hair stand on end. Few entries, but varied and powerful over the course of 2 years. Let's see...

July 27, 2013

Invoices addressed to Public Administrations must contain the following data: Accounting Office, Managing Body and Processing Unit , although at the moment, it is not mandatory to code them.

Note to self: I don't know what the hell this is all about...but for now I don't think it affects me.

December 28, 2013

Law 25/2013, of December 27, promoting electronic transportation email list invoicing and creating the accounting register of invoices in the Public Sector, is published in the Official State Gazette.

Note to self: Although I am more focused on preparing the New Year's Eve party...this law will be important, for some reason it is published three days before the end of the year, although due to the date...I don't know if it will be an April Fool's joke or not. It doesn't look like it. Be careful, in 2015 it will affect me.


Starting tomorrow I am required to code the Administrative Centers to which I send invoices.

Note to self: Where do I get these codes?

January 15, 2015

The day has come. From today, whether I like it or not, I either issue an electronic invoice or I don't get paid, but if the amounts are less than 5,000 euros, if the Administration so regulates, I will be able to do it on paper.
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