The start of the Russian invasion by land, sea and air in Ukraine has not been the only offensive formula, as thousands of cyber attacks have been detected on administrations, companies and individuals. This trend has increased throughout the world, hence the need to protect all areas.
The world's focus is on Russia's invasion of Ukraine, with the bulk sms ukraine offensives launched by Putin's army following different military tactics. But there is another way to weaken the Ukrainian country, both its administration and its companies and individuals: cyberattacks .
Long before the conflict began, cybercrime targeting Ukraine was already in full swing, with Russia being the prime suspect from the start. In fact, several government sites in kyiv had already been blocked 24 hours earlier, so it is no surprise that the Ukrainian government quickly announced the creation of an IT army and launched a search for digital talent.
This trend has spread to the whole world. Proof of this is that the Spanish National Intelligence Centre (CNI) pointed for the first time to Russia as the origin of the continuous attacks that different entities in the country, both public and private, were receiving. But the US and the United Kingdom have also publicly accused Putin of being behind many of the cyberattacks detected in their respective countries, as confirmed by companies such as Microsoft and Google, which have also been targets of hacker groups linked to Russia.