Data governance emerges as a necessary methodology in every company. Its purpose is to manage and take care of the organization's data in order to be useful in achieving the stated objectives.
It is no secret that companies have always used data to achieve their objectives.
However, over time, the way they are used and the importance they have for companies has increased significantly.
An important aspect that affects data management is digital israel email list 1.2 million contact leads transformation . Because technological advances are the main reason for changes in the perception and use of data, companies have been forced to adapt. What does this mean?
Well, digital transformation has been a change that organizations have had to make in order to survive and remain competitive in today's markets.
Nowadays, information is one of the most valuable assets and if a company wants to be successful, having, valuing and caring for its data is of vital importance to achieve this goal.
Below, we will explain what data governance is, why it is important and how it is implemented. Don't miss it!
What is data governance?
Data governance is nothing more than the ability of an organization to implement policies and methods, technological and human resources to manage its data assets and thus ensure their availability and protection.
It is important to note that for a data governance program to make sense, companies must consider data as assets.
Considering data as one of the most important assets of a company makes all projects carried out effectively.
You may be wondering why data and having a defined data governance program are so important.
For data assets to be useful to your organization, your sources must be reliable. That is, their origin must be known, they must be truthful, they must be up-to-date, and they must be aligned with internal policies and the company's mission and vision .
Why is data governance important?
The importance of data governance lies in the simple fact that to make the best decisions, the greatest amount of information is needed to carry out the respective analyses and balances and thus base said decision.
This translates into the following: If companies have accurate, up-to-date and reliable information available when making decisions about emerging or existing projects, this will result in beneficial results for the organization.