Learn how knowing the types of products can help you with your marketing strategies

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Learn how knowing the types of products can help you with your marketing strategies

Post by Abdur8 »

Knowing and understanding the different types of products is essential when creating a good marketing strategy.

There are several factors that we must consider when developing a marketing strategy . In addition to focusing on the main objective and the buyer persona , we cannot forget something as simple (and at the same time essential) as the type of product we are seeking to promote.

Considering the type of product, and especially its peculiarities, can help considerably to introduce small details into the strategy that will be of great importance in the final result.

Specifically, in this article you will learn about the types of french email list 13 million contact leads products that exist, their main characteristics and how these can influence not only the promotion, but also the determination of the price and the point of sale.

Are you ready? So, let's get started!

What is a product?
Types of products and their classification
Why is it important to know the types of products?
What is a product?
First of all, let's better understand what exactly a product is .

A product is anything that is available, that is, on the market , so that any user can purchase it in order to satisfy a need or a desire .

Before, we could more easily identify the difference between a product and a service .


A product was a tangible object that was consumed and a service was something intangible that was only perceived after receiving it.

However, with the arrival of the Internet, infoproducts emerged, which with the above definition can be confused with a service.

An infoproduct is a product that can be downloaded and is available to any consumer who wants to enjoy or use it.

A service is something prepared specifically for the consumer according to his needs. As this service is delivered, it is perceived by the customer , such as the repair of an object, English classes or a hotel room.

In this post we are going to leave aside information products and services and focus on physical products.

Types of products and their classification
Products can be classified in as many ways as the criteria used. From a marketing point of view, a classification is important to help define the type of promotion to be carried out, the price and the point of sale.

The first classification of products can be made into two main types: products for the final consumer and products for companies. These, in turn, can be divided into other subgroups, as we will see below.
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