Before deciding on the number of keywords, it is worth thoroughly analyzing the market and competition. You should check which phrases are most important for your direct rivals and what their positions are in search results. On this basis, you can develop your own positioning strategy, adapted to the specifics of your business and business goals.
It is worth using the tools we wrote about above.
Keyword selection and website optimization
It is also important to remember that positioning for the telegram japan right keywords is just one side of the coin. Equally important is the optimization of the page for these phrases, which includes both content and technical elements such as meta tags, headings or URL structure . The better our page is optimized, the greater the chances of achieving high positions in search results.
Using keywords in meta tags and headings
Keywords should also be present in meta tags (titles, descriptions) and page headings (H1, H2, H3). This will make it easier for search engines to index and classify our page for specific phrases.
Meta title is the title of the page displayed in search results. It should be short (up to 60 characters), but at the same time contain the main keyword.
Meta description is a short description of the page, which also appears in search results. It should be around 160 characters long and contain selected keywords. It is worth ensuring that the description is attractive and encourages people to visit the page.
Heading tags (H tags) are elements of the page structure that allow you to group and organize content. Keywords should be placed in H1 headings (the main title of the page), H2 (subheadings) and possibly H3 (further divisions). This way, search engines will better understand the subject of the page and its value to users.