5 differences between ATL and BTL that you need to know to manage your marketing and advertising strategy

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5 differences between ATL and BTL that you need to know to manage your marketing and advertising strategy

Post by Abdur8 »

When we discuss topics related to promoting brands and products, key aspects within Digital Marketing, for example, ATL and BTL advertising and marketing are part of the development of promotional campaigns. That is why in this article we will tell you what each one is and their differences.

With the arrival of technologies and mobile devices, brands have had to innovate in the way they are seen or disseminated to their audiences, which has allowed them to rethink marketing strategies .

That is why it is so important for you to know about ATL and BTL advertising and marketing, their main characteristics and their differences between them. So, are you ready to discover them?

Happy reading!

What do ATL and BTL mean?
These concepts have existed in the world of advertising estonia email list 154781 contact leads campaigns since the mid-1950s, when the consumer goods brand P&G began paying different rates to different advertising agencies , making this practice a standard from that point on.

Let's see what each one means.

ATL Advertising
First of all, its acronym represents an abbreviation of Above The Line , a term that refers to all advertising and marketing actions that are aimed at a mass audience without any type of segmentation.

They are usually used to develop brands with the contribution of information generated from consumer appreciation of the product.

This type of advertising seeks to reach a large number of people, but without actually targeting those with interests related to the company. This type of promotion provides 3 main benefits:


1. Better reach
When we use this type of advertising, we are referring to dissemination through mass media such as radio, television or the written press. Media that, even in these times, have millions of users at any given time.

2. Connection with the audience
These aforementioned media provide the advantage of using images or broadcasting commercials on television and conveying a much clearer message to connect with the public.

3. More brand awareness
When a brand is brought to the eyes of many potential customers , it undoubtedly helps raise awareness about the company or the product in them. This is the core of brand awareness .

Well, we already know the main benefits of Above The Line advertising, now we will see the other side of the coin, Below The Line.

BTL advertising
BTL or Below The Line advertising is not, in fact, an opposite concept to the previous one. Therefore, it is important to clarify that ATL and BTL are not antonyms.

In short, BTL advertising refers to promotional activities that are direct, memorable and, above all, specific. This type of advertising aims to reach a very specific segment of the audience or the total consumer population.
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