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very doubtful whether it is still 'true'

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2024 6:54 am
by arzina566
This poses a major challenge to organizations. The increasingly dynamic environment requires organizations to adopt a structure and a corresponding culture in which accelerated change is the new norm. Trendwatcher Sander Duivestein even says : “It requires a strategy in which testing grounds and pioneering in order to be able to innovate is the most normal thing in the world. […] It is digital Darwinism. Adapt or die!”

The foundation for every marketer: the well-considered strategy
You would think that this uncertainty makes us cautious. But nothing could be further from the truth. Articles with tips about online marketing and how-to lists are copied and new articles are created from those copies. This creates a kind of infinite echo chamber of information of which it is

We should prepare the new generation of marketers for this. However, they are still mainly raised with the ideas of Michael Porter (aff.). Michael Porter's literature can be considered that of the usa telegram data more considered strategy: we do research and write a considered plan. Only then do we proceed to execution. During that period we assume that the environment we are in is stable, but is that realistic?

What we can learn from young parents
Parents of young children know from experience that their children's behavior changes continuously. Even if there is no clear reason or cause. For example, our son is not an easy eater. We tried to get him to eat a sandwich in all kinds of variations. But he didn't seem to care much about food. We could put all kinds of things in front of him, but nothing interested him.


Also read: Data analytics: the 10 biggest pitfalls
Around 20 months, that finally worked well. The combination at that time turned out to be a sandwich with peanut butter, cut into small pieces, which we fed him. We couldn't believe our luck, that a sandwich went down with every meal. But after about 5 weeks, he increasingly left his food. We tried to get him to eat by himself. No success. Larger pieces? No success.

His taste had changed, because after 2 weeks we realized that we had to replace the peanut butter with crushed mice. We were happy again: he was eating again! But again the success stopped after about 5 weeks. We tried all kinds of different toppings, but it made no difference.