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Also read: What do you think: should beer brand Corona change its name?

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2024 6:32 am
by arzina566
The awareness is decreasing, despite the enormous attention of the press. With corona, people now think of something other than beer. The reverse also appears to be true: with beer, people now think of COVID-19, illness and corona. See below the associations with Corona before and after COVID-19.

The associations with the brand before and after COVID-19.
Figure 3 and 4

We see that the associations that are typical for Corona, Mexico, summer, lemon, lime and fresh, become much less strong or disappear completely. In return, it gets a stronger association with beer, but also with virus and disease. What many predicted would not happen, does happen: the virus has been transferred to the beer .

The title of this article could also have been: virus now also transferable to beer! But that's not how we are ;-). The fact remains that despite the fact that the link is not logical, our brain will create a fit if it is communicated about long enough. A lack of fit can therefore be compensated by communicating about it long enough. Or if you throw enough budget at it. In this case, Corona becomes a rather one-dimensional beer and loses all its frills.

If COVID-19 persists, Corona will become a problem brand
We saw that the number of associations is increasing. Normally this is good news, but now the associations have dropped significantly in positivity. And because they have become more unique, the Corona has the worst possible combination: a strong association, which is negatively charged and unique to the Corona brand: a brand problem .

To find out what associations this causes, we taiwan telegram data have categorized them, allowing us to see whether the strong associations with the brand provide a point of parity or a point of difference . We first look at the situation before COVID-19, see figure 5.

Graph showing the outcomes between point of parity and a point of difference.
Figure 5


Explanation : a Point of Parity is an association that is strongly linked to the brand, positive, but not unique. These are the associations that ensure that you end up in the consideration set. Without PoPs you will not even be considered. PoPs ensure that you are a credible player in the category. Points of Difference are strong associations that are positive and unique for the brand in question. These are also called USPs or reasons to buy . PoDs ensure that consumers buy your brand. We test PoPs and PoDs by looking at which associations are strong, test these associations on a Likert scale for positivity: if they score significantly higher than 4 (middle of the scale) then they are positive and unique respectively. For example, in figure 5 you can see all the associations that more than 15% of the respondents had, and whether they are positive and/or unique.

We see that the purchase and use situations of Corona (summer, lime) are distinctive: strongly positive and unique to Corona (when we test against 4, the middle of the scale), see Figure 6.