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What Google Keep does

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2024 4:51 am
by rh06022005
Google Keep is a syncing notepad that allows you to quickly save text and voice notes, photos, webpages, and connects with Google drive.

How does it help

The Google Keep Chrome extension allows you mexico whatsapp numbers to keep your notes and important data in an organized format. You can create a list of things you’re set to do on a particular day. And when you do so, you can color-code them and even label and pin them to the top so that you can access important notes fast.

This extension gives you the added value of saving your notes by location so that if you have a to-do that is attached to a particular place, for example, you want to do your laundry when you get home, you can set a reminder to prompt you when you get home.

Why it’s great?


The Google Keep Chrome Extension is great because it’s completely free and it has unlimited notes, be it texts or voice. It’s also easy to use and has a handy reminder.

Stay Focused

What Stay Focused does?

The Stay Focused Chrome Extension is an app and website blocking extension that helps you maintain self-control, productivity, and better work tracker by improving your focus and cutting out all distractions.