What means do you choose? And measure!

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What means do you choose? And measure!

Post by arzina566 »

2. Determine your goal
A newsroom is not a thing in itself, but serves a purpose. In this case, 'ensuring connection'. Communicate that clearly to everyone and ask for cooperation. The power of the chat at the coffee machine is the ease with which ideas are exchanged. You now want to make that possible digitally. The updates that you do at fixed times should feel like a surprise.

Have the people responsible for production actively look for things that surprise. Sending an email around asking for content is not news gathering and will kill the project in advance.

3. Divide the work
We can get started. Time to make good agreements. There would be no daily talk show on television or no newspaper published if there were no fixed agreements about the appearance. If you have a broadcast every day, that also includes a daily production.

It is not a task that you do 'on the side'. Retaining and engaging your employees is a primary goal. After all, without people you have no organization. So divide the roles carefully if you want to achieve results. The beauty of a newsroom is its multidisciplinary nature. It is not a party of the HR or communications department. The entire company participates.

The biggest challenge these days is reaching your people. Especially tech companies have countless channels. From email to Yammer. And every solution has its own ambassadors in the italy telegram data company. It's simply about connecting everyone. Let that be the guiding principle and preferably choose a means where you can measure whether the content has been opened.

Let the technology do the work, but don't forget that tools almost never create content by themselves. Value the creative process of the newsroom. The number of clicks on content is not the be-all and end-all. The best thing is when you can experience a wildfire. That people talk to you about something that has been in the 'news' and ask questions about it. Ultimately, it should contribute to the bond and you will see results in a reduced outflow of employees.


5. Get started
Take the previous steps seriously, but the most important thing is to start. The first version is never perfect. That's okay. Adjusting is part of the process.

Pay attention to interesting content. For example, by sharing experiences and solutions for working from home or identifying problems that are playing a role in your organization. Think of diversity, aging and perhaps considerations for whether or not to participate in government regulations at this time. You can visit people at home and show them their workplace, let people with the same hobbies tell how they do that at home now or report on joint online activities such as a pub quiz. Take your people seriously and surprise them.
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