In the . Event of repeated violations of the aforementioned nature, upon notification by the guarantor for the . Protection of personal data, the competent authorities may also order the suspension or, in the . Most serious cases, the revocation of the authorization to exercise the activity. It is curious . How the italian legislator, in recent weeks, is intervening with new rules that integrate andor . Modify andor recall other rules of the privacy code that from may will be considered . Inevitably repealed by the gdpr and that are in any case, among other things, in .
The process of being reorganized and superseded by the bulk sms philippines legislative decree referred to in the . Delegation of law no. . Regret is added to regret, for the evident low knowledge . Of the matter - and reduced dialogue with the government - on the part of . Parliamentary legislative decision-makers and their technical offices. Pursuant to article , paragraph , of the . Regulation referred to in presidential decree no. Of , in the event of violation of . The right to object in the forms provided for by this law, the administrative sanction .
Referred to in article , paragraph -quater, of the code referred to in legislative decree . No. Of shall apply. In the event of repeated violations of the aforementioned nature, upon . Notification by the guarantor for the protection of personal data, the competent authorities may also . Order the suspension or, in the most serious cases, the revocation of the authorization to . Carry out the activity. Same as above, with the aggravating circumstance that a provision such . As the one contained in the last period of this paragraph could represent – if .
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