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The Importance of Political Social Media Strategy

Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2024 10:57 am
by Monira96
In the last decade or so, a good political social media strategy became more and more instrumental to campaigns.

Nowadays, no campaign manager will canadian phone number list overlook or ignore social media. Instead, they’ll use every single opportunity to utilize a candidate’s social media in the most effective way.

Read Creating a Marketing Strategy that Works: Benefits, Steps, Tools

In this blog, we’ll explain the role of social media in politics and how political campaigns can use social media to achieve their goals.


PR in Politics ebook
Why is political social media strategy important?
One of the most important features of social media is the participatory role.

Social media platforms allow politicians to directly communicate with their constituents and vice versa. Constituents can easily participate in political discourse, influence political decisions and make their voices heard, while politicians can share their policy proposals, post ads and fundraising campaigns, and so on.

Some people rely solely on social media platforms for news about politics, but research shows that these people are often less knowledgeable about current events.