Reviews with a sense of belonging
Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2024 8:23 am
6 Copywriting Strategies to Increase Conversion
Good copywriting is the equivalent of having the best salesperson working 24 hours a day. By using proven copywriting strategies you can increase your conversion rate, driving more visitors to your clients' website.
You can have all the traffic in the world, but without good copywriting you're only going to generate a small amount of sales. Conversion rates vary widely depending on the type of industry. According to Marketing Sherpa , the average conversion rate ranges from 10% for professional services to 3% for e-commerce.
Below we share six clever copywriting strategies that can help you increase your conversion rate. This means more people who visit your site will become your customers. You'd be surprised what can be achieved with a few simple tweaks to your copy.
Identify what your visitors want
The decision to buy is driven by desire. You need to be clear about one thing: you can't create a desire .However, you can increase that desire. But first, you have to be able to identify it. Don't assume you know what your visitors want. This is a very common mistake that will cause you to lose sales. Do your homework. The results may surprise you.
There are different ways that can help you to know the wishes of your visitors, consider some of these recommendations:
Review your website analytics data.
If you use Google Analytics , you need to go to Acquisition > Search Engine Optimization > Queries. You will get a list of key phrases that your visitors type into search engines. These key phrases will tell you what your visitors want.
Copywriting that is written in the words of your visitors is extremely compelling. By reflecting what your visitors think, you will form a powerful psychological connection with them. This will make your message extremely persuasive.
Joanna Wiebe of Copy Hackers scrapes Amazon reviews of products college and universities email list relevant to her client’s niches to obtain citations that she can use in her writing. She used this strategy to increase leads by over 20%.
Survey your visitors
If you have a steady stream of traffic, surveying your visitors is another great way to identify their desires and enrich your copywriting strategy with the results you get. Don't ask them closed or multiple choice questions. You need them to express themselves, so ask open-ended questions, such as:
What is the biggest problem we can help you with?
How do you imagine the ideal solution?
What questions do you have before purchasing our product?
Make them a promise to fulfill their desire
Now you can not only better understand your visitors' desires, you also know the words and phrases they use to express those desires. Can you satisfy those desires? Surely you can, so make them a promise. As a fundamental element of your copywriting strategy, you must identify the strongest desire that you can help users who come across your content with.
Good copywriting is the equivalent of having the best salesperson working 24 hours a day. By using proven copywriting strategies you can increase your conversion rate, driving more visitors to your clients' website.
You can have all the traffic in the world, but without good copywriting you're only going to generate a small amount of sales. Conversion rates vary widely depending on the type of industry. According to Marketing Sherpa , the average conversion rate ranges from 10% for professional services to 3% for e-commerce.
Below we share six clever copywriting strategies that can help you increase your conversion rate. This means more people who visit your site will become your customers. You'd be surprised what can be achieved with a few simple tweaks to your copy.
Identify what your visitors want
The decision to buy is driven by desire. You need to be clear about one thing: you can't create a desire .However, you can increase that desire. But first, you have to be able to identify it. Don't assume you know what your visitors want. This is a very common mistake that will cause you to lose sales. Do your homework. The results may surprise you.
There are different ways that can help you to know the wishes of your visitors, consider some of these recommendations:
Review your website analytics data.
If you use Google Analytics , you need to go to Acquisition > Search Engine Optimization > Queries. You will get a list of key phrases that your visitors type into search engines. These key phrases will tell you what your visitors want.
Copywriting that is written in the words of your visitors is extremely compelling. By reflecting what your visitors think, you will form a powerful psychological connection with them. This will make your message extremely persuasive.
Joanna Wiebe of Copy Hackers scrapes Amazon reviews of products college and universities email list relevant to her client’s niches to obtain citations that she can use in her writing. She used this strategy to increase leads by over 20%.
Survey your visitors
If you have a steady stream of traffic, surveying your visitors is another great way to identify their desires and enrich your copywriting strategy with the results you get. Don't ask them closed or multiple choice questions. You need them to express themselves, so ask open-ended questions, such as:
What is the biggest problem we can help you with?
How do you imagine the ideal solution?
What questions do you have before purchasing our product?
Make them a promise to fulfill their desire
Now you can not only better understand your visitors' desires, you also know the words and phrases they use to express those desires. Can you satisfy those desires? Surely you can, so make them a promise. As a fundamental element of your copywriting strategy, you must identify the strongest desire that you can help users who come across your content with.