Inbound Marketing: The methodology that is revolutionizing the sector

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Inbound Marketing: The methodology that is revolutionizing the sector

Post by bitheerani22010 »

People's consumption, socialisation and lifestyle patterns have changed radically in recent years, and despite this, many companies still continue to use archaic marketing strategies. Today, consumers canada phone number library longer value only the physical or functional attributes of a product; they are looking for something more: to feel identified with a brand or to be provided with some gratifying experience or content during the decision-making and purchasing process.

There are currently countless strategies adapted in a better or worse way to the digital age and it is at this point that I must tell you about one of them: inbound marketing . A priori, and especially for those who are unfamiliar with this methodology, it may seem like another trick to fool customers and continue with the same procedure of previous years. Nothing could be further from the truth. This type of long-term strategy completely eliminates the erroneous practice of companies approaching consumers in an intrusive way. Its way of proceeding is based on making highly relevant content available to consumers through non-intrusive techniques and the use of social media. In this way, it will be the user himself who approaches the brand attracted by a taste for the content created and his affinity towards it.


Inbound Methodology
The Inbound process, as complicated as it may seem, focuses on four simple phases integrated into a strategic plan: Attract, convert, close and delight.

inbound marketing methodology

Attract : The first step you must follow if you want to carry out an Inbound Marketing strategy is to generate traffic to your website and your social profiles. This is where Inbound uses two independent strategies and uses them to its advantage: content marketing (for the creation of content) and search engine optimization (SEO and SEM).
Convert : This is a somewhat delicate phase of the Inbound process. This is the phase where the visits obtained will be converted into leads, creating a database that will help us segment our users when planning actions.
Closing : Thanks to the help of the database created in the previous phase, we can use a CRM to more efficiently manage and segment the records that our company obtains. In this way, we will ensure that the flow of content is automated and segmented according to the user's purchasing stage and we will be able to convert those leads into customers.
Delight : Although we have already acquired clients in the previous phase, the work continues. We must keep them satisfied and to do so we will provide them with useful information and content. If we do this work correctly, we will not only keep clients, but we will also get them to become prescribers of our brand.
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