Traffic sources for SaaS companies (part 1)

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Traffic sources for SaaS companies (part 1)

Post by bitheerani22010 »

Why do we need traffic? Are all traffic sources equally valid for SaaS companies?

Traffic is the path to growth. Traffic leads to leads, leads to sales, and sales lead to growth.

If traffic doesn't lead to leads, it's practically useless. You don't need traffic for traffic's sake, you need traffic for something.

The traffic that comes to your website has to be used to make a sale. It is better to have ten sales with traffic of 10 people per month than to have one with traffic of a million. It is useless to have a billion visits from children under fifteen years of age if your website is about commercial law.

So traffic is useless?

Quite the opposite. Traffic is a pre-opportunity for a sale. A pre-lead. The more belize phone number library you have, the more chances you have of turning a visitor into a lead. One thing is clear: if you have zero visitors, you have zero leads and, therefore, zero sales. Traffic has to be on target, and once you've got it right, the more the better.


Traffic sources for SaaS companies are the same as for any other website, of course: just because it's a different type of website doesn't mean that we're going to have a type of visitor that doesn't exist in other markets. But the data we're going to manage is specific to SaaS.

Traffic sources can be:

·Direct traffic
·Organic traffic
·Links and referrals
·Social networks

The first three are passive traffic sources and the last three are active traffic sources.

Direct traffic
Direct traffic is the most important source of traffic for a SaaS company . The paradigmatic direct traffic is that of the person who types the URL of your page into their browser. But it is not only that. It is also that of the person who has your page in bookmarks or in their history and enters from there. It is the most important because it is the most numerous and it is the one that does not come from anywhere, the one that starts browsing on your own page.

This is the most important because people who already know your page usually enter this way and, as is well known, it is much cheaper to keep a client than to make a new one. It is also the largest traffic for a company of these characteristics. Direct traffic is that which comes from repeat clients, from people who have already used your product or who have entered your page and it has caught their attention enough to return.

Direct traffic is the most numerous source of traffic and the one whose users are the most important, but it is the only one on which you cannot act directly . To get more direct traffic, there are other sources.
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