Technical problems with the site.

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Technical problems with the site.

Post by mstlucky8072 »

Even the best-configured campaign may not achieve satisfactory results when the website is not properly prepared or there are technical problems. When directing users who are not familiar with our company to the website, it is also worth remembering to include valuable information for users in an accessible way. Currently, users much more often visit websites using phones. Therefore, it is worth being aware of how our online platform is displayed on both mobile devices and desktops. Numerous technical errors occurring on the website can effectively discourage the user from making a conversion. Despite a competitive offer, concerns related to errors will prevail and users will leave your website without making a conversion.

TIP: Before you launch a campaign, take a close look at your website. Both in the desktop and mobile versions, which in many cases are more popular with users. Check if the purchase path in both cases is accessible and free from problems. Try to fill out the contact form, check if the email address and contact number are clickable and correct.
Take a look at the websites of competing companies, check what attracts your attention and what elements are common. If you find some that are included on several competing websites, consider twitter database whether they should be on yours as well. Assess whether the loading time of the website does not differ from that of competing websites, whether there are no errors within the website, e.g. 404.


3. There are no funds on the card linked to the account or insufficient amount to cover monthly advertising expenses.
When setting up a campaign, we define the daily budget that we are able to allocate for advertising. It is extremely important that there are always sufficient funds in the advertising account for the distribution of ads. The minimum amount is the weekly demand calculated based on the daily budgets of active campaigns. It is important to ensure that you do not go below this level.
What happens when there are not enough funds available in the account? The process of learning ads will be disrupted and they will not optimize properly. Repeated problems with the account's funding result in the lack of stabilization of the display of campaigns, and even a limitation of their emission when these funds are already secured.

TIP: Sum up the daily budget of all campaigns and calculate how much they will spend on a two-week and monthly basis. Try to secure an amount on the card that is linked to the Google Ads account that will be enough to cover the monthly budget. Calculate when the funds in the account may fall below the weekly demand of the campaign and set a reminder in the calendar to secure the amount in the account sufficiently early to continue the campaign.

4. Too general keywords in the wrong match type
A properly selected keyword in a Google Ads campaign should generate high-quality website views. The quality of traffic can be determined not only by the number of conversions, but also by the time spent on the site, the number of pages visited per session, or the bounce rate. One of the parameters set in campaigns that has a very large impact on the quality of traffic is keywords and their matching in the campaign.
Matching keywords in Google Ads can largely determine the effects or lack thereof.
There are 3 types of keyword matching: broad match, exact match, phrase match.
Each of them has different characteristics and a way of influencing the display of the campaign, as a result of which the same keyword can generate extremely different effects. A campaign using broad match keywords can generate low-quality, non-sales traffic, thus burning through the budget.

TIP: Before you choose the keyword match type, make sure you know the differences between the individual types and the effects that the match selection for individual campaigns will have.
Analyze carefully what keywords you use in your campaigns.
Consider whether they are not too general, whether they do not generate entries from people who are not necessarily interested in the offer, but in a broadly understood issue, for example, "flowers" in relation to flower mail. Check whether the keywords in the ad group are closely related to the category and offer to which you are directing users in the next stage. Remember to separate campaigns by category and topic, in order to match the content of ads to specific phrases as precisely as possible. Do not be discouraged if the words with the greatest sales potential are characterized by low search volume despite the fact that it is not a niche industry. Consider whether there is another channel to reach users who will be interested in the offer.
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