It happens to us very often and now it doesn't surprise us anymore: we are contacted by businesses that have run PPC campaigns and have not obtained the results they expected from their investment. As a result, they distrust this type of advertising.
PPC seems like a simple thing to do . You bid on certain keywords related to your business, and if you win the bid, your ad will be shown to users who (at least in theory) are interested in your products or services.
So if PPC is so simple, why is it so hard to get results?
Let's try to break down the reasons, one by one, why managing PPC campaigns is not as easy as it seems .
Too many options!
When we talk about PPC campaigns, we're not just talking about Google Ads, although it is undoubtedly the most well-known platform and the one that 99 acres database companies usually turn to. But PPC goes much further: Facebook Ads campaigns (which includes Instagram), Microsoft Advertising, Linkedin Ads and even Amazon Advertising also have a PPC advertising model. And best of all, you can combine strategies on several advertising platforms to improve results, if your budget allows it.
Having several options to choose from is great, especially when each of them offers you different benefits, the possibility of reaching different audiences or those at different stages of their buying cycle. But to choose which platform to focus on for managing your PPC campaigns, you need to have some prior knowledge: what benefits does each of them offer for your sector? Is your investment enough to get results? Which measurement tools should you use?
The variety of options is great, but it can be overwhelming if you don't know what criteria to use to choose the right ones.
False expectations
One problem for many businesses is that they think that digital advertising is the panacea that will solve all their problems. If you jump into managing PPC campaigns without first having done an in-depth analysis of your website, your competitors and your target audience, it is difficult for them to work.
Furthermore, it is not enough to create a campaign and launch it, no matter how much Google tries to make it seem that way. The daily management and optimization work is what turns a campaign into a profitable asset. Thinking that you can invest heavily for a month to get immediate results usually does not end well, especially if it is the first time you advertise online and you do not have previous data.
The learning curve
Each advertising platform has a different management panel, its own ad types, bidding operation, ad placement, targeting options, performance reports… You could even say that each one has its own associated “language”, with acronyms, abbreviations and exclusive terms.
To manage PPC campaigns, you'll need a basic knowledge of marketing and a good command of the platform you've chosen. There are plenty of courses, blog posts, webinars, ebooks, and paperback books to help you learn how to use any of the tools on your own. But how long will it take to gain enough experience to manage them professionally? Is it really worth it.