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The DOM in WordPress, why it affects SEO and how to optimize it

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2024 6:10 am
by rabia829
DOM stands for Document Object Model. Translated into Spanish, it would be Document Object Model. The DOM allows us to run code in the browser to access and interact with any node in the document.

Said like that it may seem a bit complex, we know, so don't worry, we will try to simplify it as much as possible to make it easier for you. Here we go!

When visiting a web page, in order to view and interact with it we need a browser, be it Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Opera or any other. Regardless, in order for us to be able to see the content, a process is carried out .

This process is called Critical Rendering truemoney database Path , which is responsible for translating the code (HTML, CSS or Javascript) of our website into pixels, allowing images, animations and other elements to be displayed on the screen.


Although the Critical Rendering Path is much more complex than what we will cover in this article, the part of this process that interests us on this occasion is the DOM. The DOM is something like a tree in which the data of a website is structured in HTML. Its complement is the CSSOM, which is responsible for styling that HTML, using other languages ​​such as CSS.

The HTML in a website contains two fundamental tags: the head and the body. Within these tags is where we introduce the rest of the tags, from a title (H1, H2,…) to other “content containers” such as <div>, which in turn can include containers of structured content within them.