Why add games to my social media marketing plan?

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[email protected]
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Why add games to my social media marketing plan?

Post by [email protected] »

Do you like the entertaining dynamics that you can sometimes find on Facebook or Instagram? In this article we give you 4 techniques so that you too can start experimenting with “gamification” and get your users playing. Keep reading!

While it may seem childish, incorporating games into your social media marketing strategies can be beneficial for your brand.

Now, where does this practice come from?

Implementing games on your social networks comes list of belarus whatsapp phone numbers from the learning technique called “gamification” which is based on transferring the mechanics of games to the educational-professional field in order to achieve better results.

This serves to:

Absorb knowledge.
Improve skills.
Increase motivation.
Promote interaction.
Reward a specific action.
Now, what does marketing have to do with gamification?


It's simple.

Within marketing, gamification serves as a strategy to obtain positive results in terms of traffic and branding management. In other words, in addition to entertaining users, it seeks to achieve good interaction with the customer and, in the long run, that they become involved with the brand.
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