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Generate content ideas with pinterest

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2024 6:07 am
by kolikhatun0022
Have you ever experienced that slightly scary moment in front of your computer screen, trying to be creative and searching for content ideas that will add value and engage your community, but all you see is the blinking cursor waiting for you?

I have experienced it and believe me when I tell you that it is not one of my favorite moments. Wanting to share your vision with your community in a medium like the Internet, where everything has already been said, is scary. But being scared doesn't mean that we are going to abandon our businesses or keep the knowledge and contributions we can provide to ourselves. The content ideas are there and with Pinterest you can find them easily and simply. I assure you that you will stop suffering when creating your posts for the blog or social networks.

Get content ideas thanks to Pinterest
Use Pinterest as a tool to generate content
Pinterest for creating content ideas
Pinterest is amazing, have I told you that before? At the risk of seeming repetitive and monothematic, I want to show you how Pinterest helps you get the most inspiring content ideas so that the process of creating your articles or posts is much more enjoyable, because the idea is always to have a good time, right?

Let's start with the basic principle of Pinterest: it is the platform for finding inspiration by nature. This quality is in Pinterest's DNA. If we remodel our house, choose our outfits or plan our events here, why not get ideas for content for our social networks or website?

Pinterest helps your content in two ways, two ways : On the one hand, it helps you drive traffic to your website and on the other, it gives you inspiration. And the latter is the topic of this post: how Pinterest helps you get content ideas when you don't even have much inspiration.

But before we dive into how to use Pinterest specifically to get content ideas for your posts, I need to stop and ask you: Are the posts you are creating or planning to create the ones your audience wants and needs?

The first step is to identify our ideal client , with all the details necessary to know our Buyer persona in depth. Nothing, no content will work well if you do not first clearly define who it is aimed at.

Forget pretensions, be direct, pleasant and know your audience, what they are looking for and what they need from you. Change the focus, it's not about you, it's about your community. You'll be amazed by the results.

Fishing for content ideas with Pinterest
Pinterest is a search engine, yes, just like our know-it-all friend Google or its cousin Youtube, only it's visual and very pretty. It has everything to be your source of ideas. Pinterest is where we all come looking for trends and inspiration. So if you want to fish for content ideas you have to go where they are .

With the Pinterest user mindset, which is unlike any other, you have another advantage. While on other platforms people go to hang out, Pinterest users have a project, a dream or a purpose to materialize. This is the best motivation to come up with those content ideas that add value and are the answer our client is looking for.

Take advantage of the power of Pinterest and find content ideas more easily. On Pinterest you should follow these steps:

Go to Pinterest and type your search into the bar.
Be clear about who your ideal overseas chinese database client is and what they are looking for. The more results the algorithm gives you, the more precise we must be.
The results are relevant from left to right. The most searched ones will be presented on the left.
Scroll down to find related searches. They appear further down the feed and can help you find content ideas you may not have thought of yet.

Get content ideas for your social media with Pinterest


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Advantages of using Pinterest to create content
Discover the trends
If you want to know what's trending, ask Pinterest. Depending on the season, you'll find the topics that are being talked about first on Pinterest because that's where we plan our events.

Pinterest knows this because since its beginnings it has been very serious and distinguished in its study of user experience. That is why it has dedicated a whole section to trends that, although not yet available in all countries, will be sooner rather than later. In Spain we can already check the Pinterest trends .

Find the keywords
How important are keywords on Pinterest? If it's a search engine, keywords are vital. With Pinterest you can define keywords. In fact, did you know that SEO experts have Pinterest as one of their sources of keyword research and consultation?

SEO experts know what a valuable tool Pinterest is when it comes to finding the words that will help your content ideas reach many more people.

Get inspired
Pinterest doesn't just tell us what's trending, what our audience is looking for, it also has the superpower to see the future. As its nature is inspiration and planning, it is one step ahead of what is happening in the present, it is an open window to the future.


Take advantage of the Pinterest user mindset: Pinterest users aren't looking to find out what a celebrity did or what the gossip of the day is. They're looking for inspiration or solutions, which only you can offer.

Take advantage of the opportunity to include in your content ideas the answers that your ideal client is looking for and what they don't yet know exists but that might interest them. Get ahead of their needs and surprise them.

Don't rack your brains and use Pinterest as a tool to get content ideas
Recycle your most successful content
It's about giving a new look to the content that has yielded good results and that your audience has received with affection. Maybe updating the information, if necessary. You can also break down the topic in greater detail, delving into a specific point. Not only will you recycle, you will also multiply your content.

You can always give it a new approach and get the most out of your old content.

To find out which content your audience liked the most, if you already have Pinterest in your analytics you can easily see the pins your audience has interacted with the most, or you can also see it in Google Analytics. If you give your audience what they like the most, you are guaranteed to have successful content.

Types of content you can create thanks to Pinterest
Evergreen content
It is the content that does not expire, that does not die, that is always current. While it is true that trending content increases traffic to your website quickly, evergreen content has the advantage of continuing to work, regardless of the date, sending visitors to your virtual home.

What to write about to create this type of content?

The foundations of your business are excellent material for creating evergreen content. You know your ideal customer and their needs better than anyone else. Your business has what they need. Evergreen content ideas may well come from your brand values ​​and the needs of your buyer persona.

Tell your story
Stories always connect, that's why we call them a knockout. And if it's your story that you're going to tell, it's even more powerful because you know all the details of what you're going to communicate and that's the key to truly connecting.

If you're wondering what stories you can include, the options are unlimited: any anecdote can be a valuable lesson for someone else: your successes and those mistakes that didn't lead you down the right path, a behind-the-scenes photo shoot or a day in your business. When I say that the options are unlimited, I'm not exaggerating. Identify in your daily life those episodes that you can tell and do it.

Teach (step by step)
Tutorials are one of the most appreciated content by people. We always welcome those posts that are so dedicated to showing step by step how to carry out a task.

And it's a simple type of content to create because it's about teaching a process of a job, activity or skill that you already have. Sharing knowledge is one of the noblest ways to love your neighbor.

From now on, creating content will be a piece of cake. The fear of facing the screen will be for some other reason, but it will not be due to a lack of content ideas because with all these tips you already know where to get them. Put your creativity to work and use the resources you have at hand. This wonderful platform is one of them.