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CPC, CPA, CPL: Definition of the 3 Web Marketing Channels

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2024 5:36 am
by mdsakilmdsak0987
The acronym CPC stands for "Cost Per Click ". CPC is used in particular for advertising spaces such as Google Adwords. These are the advertisements that appear at the top, bottom and to the right of every Google search page.

The CPC business model for paid search campaigns, known as SEA (Search Engine uae phone number list Advertising), remains essentially the same. If an Internet user clicks on an ad (e.g. on Google) or a button that links to your site (e.g. on a comparator), you will be charged for this "click".

In the case of Google Adwords (Google's advertising network), the CPC depends on a series of parameters and a system of offers is put in place to satisfy the highest bidders . On Google Adwords, for example, it is not uncommon to see CPCs of several tens of euros per click. Price comparison sites often set a fixed CPC at a few euros.

Definition of CPA
tile banner


CPA stands for "Cost Per Action ." CPA is based on an action, just as CPC is based on a click. This action takes many forms. They all start with the letter "A," so pay close attention to the action behind each CPA:

Acquiring a prospect on a form
Action of an Internet user subscribing to a freemium offer
Purchase of a paid service by a new customer
The Cost Per Action business model is highly appreciated by marketing directors because it is a web marketing channel based on performance: the remuneration of the service provider is directly functional to the web marketing strategy and the budget defined in advance.

This lever therefore responds to a specific acquisition, subscription or purchase objective. The cost is logically higher than the CPC and varies from a few euros to several tens of euros depending on the actions carried out on the promoted services.

Definition of CPL

CPL stands for "Cost Per Lead ". But what does it mean in practical terms? A lead is simply a business opportunity that a web marketing agency or comparison engine offers you.

A lead can take many forms. Typically, it is an identified prospect (name, company, email address, phone number, etc.) with a qualified project (decision maker, need, average cart, start date, etc.). The company's sales representative simply contacts this lead to convert them into a customer.

The Cost Per Lead business model provides a cost per service directly proportional to the number of contacts generated. A CPL business opportunity is generally more qualified than a CPA business opportunity. On the other hand, with CPL the action of converting the opportunity into a customer remains the responsibility of the sales representatives.

The CPL depends on the type of lead (rarity, industry, etc.) and varies from a few euros (details of an Internet user who downloaded a white paper, for example) to several hundred euros (a prospect with a qualified ERP integration project, for example).