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Three ways to improve your email newsletter click-through rate | From the average to ways to increase it

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2024 5:20 am
by shuklamojumder093
The click-through rate of an email newsletter is one of the KPIs for email newsletters, and is an important number that is essential for connecting the newsletter to the next measure. In order to increase the click-through rate of an email newsletter, it is important to think not only about the composition of the newsletter, such as "where to place links" and " how to decorate it, " but also about "what you want people to click on."

In this article, we will introduce the average email newsletter click-through rate as an indicator, factors that increase email newsletter click-through rates, and ways to continuously improve the number.

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Contents of this article


Overview of email newsletter click rates and average click rates
Average email newsletter click rate
How to calculate email newsletter click-through rate
Three improvements that will change your email newsletter click-through rate
How to improve your email newsletter click-through rate: 1. Where and how to place links
How to improve your email newsletter click-through rate: Matching with your mailing list
How to improve your email newsletter click-through rate: Email newsletter content
Five ways to increase your email newsletter click-through rate
Tip 1 for increasing email newsletter click-through rates: Narrow down the CTA you want people to click to just one
Tip 2 for increasing email newsletter click-through rates: Place CTAs in two places: above the fold and at the end
Tip 3 for increasing email newsletter click-through rates: Use both buttons and anchor text
Tip #4 for increasing email newsletter click-through rates: Send to segments
Tip 5 for increasing email newsletter click-through rates: Design text emails as well
How to effectively use email newsletter click-through rates
Overview of email newsletter click rates and average click rates
The click-through rate of an email newsletter is the percentage of the number of times a link in the newsletter was clicked out of the total number of email newsletters sent. The click-through rate of an email newsletter is also called the click-through rate (CTR).

The number of clicks on email newsletters can be measured using email distribution tools , marketing automation , and web analysis tools.

Average email newsletter click rate
In B2B marketing , the average click rate for email newsletters is said to be around 0.8% to 1.5%.

Click rates and open rates vary by business type and industry. According to data released by Get Response in 2022, the average click rates by industry are as follows:

How to calculate email newsletter click-through rate
The email newsletter click-through rate refers to the percentage of times the links in the email newsletter were clicked. The email newsletter click-through rate is calculated by dividing the number of clicks by the number of email newsletters sent.

Three improvements that will change your email newsletter click-through rate
Of the elements that make up an email newsletter, there are three that directly affect click-through rates:

If you notice a change in the click-through rate of your email newsletter, check what has changed.

For more information on how to increase click-through rates, see " Five ways to increase email newsletter click-through rates ."

How to improve your email newsletter click-through rate: 1. Where and how to place links
Whether or not the email newsletter link can be clicked at the right time is a factor that directly relates to the click-through rate. Even if you create content that makes readers want to click, there are not many readers who will take the trouble to look for the link.

The method of installation also affects the click-through rate. Specifically, whether the URL is directly pasted, whether it is made like a button, whether the image is clickable, etc. are factors that directly affect the click-through rate.

How to improve your email newsletter click-through rate: Matching with your mailing list
Whether the content of the email newsletter matches what the recipient wants has a big impact on the click-through rate of the email newsletter. If the recipients on your email newsletter list are not interested in the content of the email newsletter you are sending, your click-through rate will decrease.