How to create the best value proposition for your company

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How to create the best value proposition for your company

Post by liza89 »

You’ve probably heard about the importance of generating value in each of the actions we take in our business. However, it’s important to have a clear concept of what we offer. Sounds easy, doesn’t it? We often think we know our product or service, but we’re so passionate about it that we don’t see whether it really meets the needs of the consumer or whether the result perceived by the consumer really helps them achieve their goals. For this reason, we decided to create this article to help you understand whether your value proposition is really appropriate.

How do you know if you’re on the right track? When a customer knows how to respond perfectly to what your business offers and why they buy from you, it’s a sign that your business has the right value proposition. A value proposition goes beyond a mere statement of intent about what your customer is interested in. A good value proposition will convey the right message, positioning you against your competitors and helping them achieve their goals.

From the very beginning of a business plan, the goal is to ensure that everything follows a process and that all actions are aligned, but focusing on strategy often distracts us from the main point: knowing what we are selling. Why? When you are trying to create a message or advertising campaign, it is important to know exactly what you want to offer so that the idea is conveyed effectively.

Therefore, a good value proposition is one that email data communicates clearly and concisely why we do what we do, why it will be important to those who buy our product or service, what differential value it will give to their lives and how it will respond to their needs.

The only way to reach your customer is by conveying a clear message in a language they can understand. This will determine the success of your business.

For example, what do some of the most successful companies do? If we think about internet search engines, today we all know the features and value they provide. It is a tool that has positioned itself as the main assistant for all users.

However, the way it was presented was what made the big difference. Surely if we had been told about algorithms and a computer system that searches files on web servers and returns the closest results to their search, most users would not have understood what they were talking about and what benefit they would get from it. But if instead of using a technical definition, and directing it to the result or benefit it can provide to the customer, such as “It is a computer system that provides answers to your question” then whenever a question arose, we would use search engines.

There is no single value proposition for a product or service, it is necessary to take into account the person or company it is aimed at.
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