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No one will offer you

Post by rakhirani458 »

If there is a clear understanding of what level of information security you want to see and what can be outsourced, if the company has criteria for assessing the quality of service, outsourcing can both unload internal resources and bring something new. For example, you can build a vulnerability management process with the involvement of external specialists, using their own capacities and software. Using external resources can sometimes be more profitable than additional hiring, because this way you buy a service, and the service must work by default, including with SLA compliance. And the hiring cycle is additional time and money costs. Well, if you go down to a lower level of process organization, an employee can get sick (banal, but real) - the service is provided regardless of whether someone is sick or on vacation.

a “magic button”: cybersecurity outsourcing is not a blind choice
You can't just click "make it safe", and any external service must work in a way that reduces the likelihood of a hack or leak. At the same time, the service will work in a fairly "intimate" internal environment of the company.

If the service is described sufficiently, there are clear south korea mobile database criteria, there is SLA/OLA and the ability to control the result, it is worth considering such a service. If there are only promises "it will be safe, just give me money", and there are no other words behind these words - about quality control and evaluation of results, it is better to look for an alternative.

It is optimal if the company already has an employee responsible for information security, who has an understanding of where the company should move in one, two, three, five years. Strategic awareness allows you to plan measures to ensure a sufficient level of security. In this case, an internal employee will only need to choose from a set of services provided by outsourcing companies, create a landscape for the company's needs and then monitor the quality of execution.

If there is no dedicated employee, it is not a problem. There are companies that will help determine the information security strategy and critical points: what needs to be implemented now, and what can be purchased later. The goal is always the same: to reduce the risks of information security incidents, reduce possible damage from incidents that have occurred, and ensure business continuity.
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