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How to find "your" NGFW supplier

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2025 10:32 am
by rakhirani458
Stas Rumyantsev draws an important conclusion to the discussion of the topic "NGFW for SMBs". Since, he notes, SMBs face almost the same threats as large organizations (phishing, DoS attacks, malware, attacks on payment systems...), they should choose solutions that are less productive, but without limitations in functionality (which is available, he reminds, primarily in virtual environments).

When choosing an NGFW supplier, Roman Asayev recommends that customers analyze the implemented functions in the proposed solutions, compare the average and peak traffic loads. This will help select the really necessary functions and performance level that are critical for a specific customer's business. It is useful to use the results of pilot projects, the experience of successful implementations through reference visits, and the possibilities of independent NGFW testing.

At the moment, Roman Asaev believes, it is impossible to completely replace all the functions of foreign solutions with Russian solutions, but it is possible to select key requirements for customers and adapt solutions to them.

When choosing a supplier, Kirill Pryamov advises looking not only at the functionality of the products offered, which, in his opinion, often turns out to be "selling by vendors of the future" (he recommends checking this by testing), but also at the history of the product: how long the product has been developed and sold, how many implementations have taken place. The average lifespan of an NGFW is five to seven years, and you need to be sure that the vendor will remain on the market for at least this time.

Dmitry Khomutov points out that the bahamas mobile database needs to conduct testing and pilot projects with several NGFWs. This will allow evaluating the performance and functionality of solutions in real conditions and making sure that the selected NGFW integrates with the company's existing IT and information security systems. Testing and piloting also help evaluate the ease of use, including the management interface.

To convince Russian customers to abandon foreign NGFW solutions, Roman Asayev recommends using two main arguments. The first is regulatory: under regulatory pressure, many key industries are forced to switch to domestic solutions. The second is the threat of termination of technical support and provision of updates for Russia after Western manufacturers leave our market .