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Agility as seen by our Belgian customers

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2024 7:06 am
by zihadhosenjm03
Generally speaking, as we have already told you, consumers require very special attention and expect even more than before to be kept informed of the ins and outs of events that have a direct impact on their way of consuming and on their customer journey.

Agility as seen by our Belgian customers
Physical distancing but not social distancing

Currently, the daily lives of marketers are disrupted by the health crisis linked to bahrain whatsapp number data 5 million covid19 and imposing a lockdown and the closure of many businesses and shops. So, obviously, the consumer is asking questions : what about physical or virtual points of purchase? What happens to their orders placed before the lockdown was imposed? What are the new contact and purchasing methods developed in the face of these quarantine measures? What about customer service?

Physical distancing is in place, yes, but social distancing is not. So, naturally, every marketer has had to be agile and inventive in order to maintain the relationship with their customers.

A quick overview of the best communication initiatives launched by our clients thanks to Actito's marketing automation.


Physical distancing but not social distancing
Stay in touch with your customers the Chameleon way
Stay in touch with your customers like Chameleon

Amidst all the measures and changes related to the health crisis, the customer is also wondering what is happening with their purchasing options. As Caméléon did, maintaining a relationship of trust with its customers by sending them email campaigns allowing them to find out more about what is also happening on the side of their teams allows for total transparency on the situation.

Indeed, informing the consumer is essential and Caméléon has understood this very well: by sending an information campaign on the change of hours applied from the first half of March, just a few days before the official announcement of the national lockdown, Caméléon demonstrated commitment and trust in its members. Only four days later, Caméléon had to deal with the announcement of store closures and the lockdown imposed on Belgian territory. Each subscriber was therefore able to find news in their inbox informing them of the complete closure of private counters. The message highlights the civic awareness demonstrated by the Caméléon teams , aware of the importance of respecting the measures imposed by the government for the good of all, including Caméléon members. With an opening rate of around 30%, the campaigns did not affect the unsubscription rates, which remain below 0.5%.

In short, there is no secret, stay in touch with your customers and trust them : by emphasizing human value in such a special period, your reader will understand that these communications do not only come from brands, but also from humans who, like them, are impacted by the health crisis.

Adapt your communication and offer inspiring ideas in the Colmar way

Can't talk about the new promotions available in store? And why not extend your communication by addressing themes related to your core business and highlighting your brand values ​​and the human dimension of your company ?

The Belgian restaurant chain Colmar has opted for the development of its cross-channel communication , via emailing and publications on their favorite social networks, Facebook and Instagram. The objective? To inspire their customers to continue discovering dishes, from home. From recipes to prepare at home, to "Colmar" playlists and even lists of good tips for maintaining a connection with grandparents, Colmar has highlighted its "customer-friendly" DNA , "family business for families" by communicating messages adapted to their audience despite the impossibility of being able to continue serving them in their restaurants.

By dividing their main messages into small communications in dedicated publications, Colmar thus ensures a stable presence on social networks and continuous interaction with its target . For Colmar, the interest was to accentuate its presence on social networks and to maintain its frequency of sending email campaigns via Actito .

Being there, wherever it is relevant and continuing to inspire and make people want to stay connected to your brand allows you to continue customer relationships despite the pause in your activities.

Adapt your communication and offer inspiring ideas in the Colmar way
Inform and raise awareness among readers in an intelligent manner, through the Belgian Red Cross
Inform and raise awareness among readers in an intelligent way, as seen by the Belgian Red Cross

For the Belgian Red Cross, the spread of the coronavirus on Belgian territory has disrupted the daily lives of all team members, including volunteers. Following the entry into force of the lockdown, the Belgian Red Cross centralized information related to the virus on a dedicated page . This page was then used as the main information relay to which each e-mail communication refers, in order to allow readers to obtain all useful information related to covid19.

Communication in a period of health crisis such as the one we are currently experiencing has expanded the Red Cross's communication initiatives. Still using its main channels, namely its website , email campaigns powered by Actito and publications on social networks , the Red Cross has mainly appealed for donations and volunteers, particularly via forms. The impact of its forms has been such that volunteer proposals have had to be put on hold as the flow of volunteers has exceeded all expectations!

In addition, because the situation is unprecedented and affects everyone's daily life, the reader feels the need to know more . This is why the Belgian Red Cross has opted for transparency on the situation experienced by its teams by launching a " Covid-19 Mission Logbook " allowing Red Cross first responders to bring their daily work life to life through logbooks made available to the reader via their newsletter.

No over-communication...

... but rather, the right message, at the right time . Of course, this message is important. This did not prevent the Belgian Red Cross, for example, from maintaining a usual sending frequency (namely, once a month). Coupled with campaigns targeted at more specific audiences (volunteers, in particular, much more solicited than usual), in order to encourage the audience to take the step of donating, the marketing initiative remains informative and allows to maintain contact, and ask for donations without polluting the audience's inbox and drowning it in a mass of poorly targeted information. Caméléon follows this same principle by staying close to its audience and by maintaining a human dimension to its communications, by thanking them, by highlighting the solidarity required in such a situation, etc. Similarly, Colmar keeps its staggered publications on social networks to maintain the customer relationship established while waiting, like all of us, for life as we know it to resume its course .