There is a potential workaround

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There is a potential workaround

Post by alexalamin »

The two determining factors for the size of the proxy number pool are the number of sessions needed per unit time and the average lifespan of a session. For example, if a delivery app has on average 1000 deliveries per hour, typically lasting under 30 minutes, then it would need 500 proxy numbers on average at a given time. Yelp’s phone masking system implements recycling, but we need to keep sessions active for a longer period of time given conversations between customers and businesses often last for weeks.

There is a potential workaround where we recycle a number after lebanon mobile phone numbers database N hours of inactivity and then allocate a new number if the conversation resumes. However, then we could risk breaking the continuity of the SMS conversation if the later messages start coming from a new number, and we may cause confusion when a conversation with a new business starts abruptly from the same number. Because of these considerations, we typically mark a proxy number as recyclable only after 30 days.

Therefore, we only ever need to maintain as many phone numbers as the number of connections per month, i.e., our costs scale as O(conversations per month). This is definitely an improvement, but it still requires purchasing millions of phone numbers, which means that we need further optimizations to our phone number use. Phone number reuse The idea behind proxy phone number reuse is to use the same number in multiple masking sessions simultaneously instead of it only taking part in one session at a time.
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