What are the advantages of creating ads on free advertising portals?

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What are the advantages of creating ads on free advertising portals?

Post by mstakh.i.mom.i »

Facebook Marketplace The Facebook platform provides a function that you can utilize for the purpose of promoting any business, product or service that you offer. The function I am referring to is Facebook Marketplace. You can advertise various types of products and services through this function. b. Mudah.my advertising portal The mudah.my portal is also another advertising platform that you can use. house-rent Near this portal there are various products and services advertised by internet users. The mudah.my portal is also one of the places that focuses on advertising products and also finding suitable products.

There are several advantages you can get, including: a. It is free Of course, there bolivia phone number resource is no cost to you to use this portal service. If your advertisement successfully gets customers, there is no cost to you to pay. b. Pull traffic from advertising platforms The advertising platform or portal actually has a fairly large number of users and traffic. When we advertise our business through these portals, we are actually trying to attract traffic from these portals to our page. (4) Database marketing Previously, when we talked about database marketing, we would refer to marketing using email marketing methods.

What we will do is, we will collect a list of names and email addresses of visitors and prospects who browse our website through the use of an autoresponder system. However, today, this customer database can also be built and collected through the telegram or whatsapp system. Since the use of whatsapp and telegram is free, I include this marketing strategy in the free marketing category. What we will do is, we will offer our prospects or website visitors to join the telegram group or whatsapp group that we have built. As an incentive, we will give them a discount or voucher for future bookings.
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