Don't choose the first character you find

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Don't choose the first character you find

Post by asikurrahmanshuvo »

In this article, we will tell you about some mistakes to absolutely avoid when creating the perfect logo for your brand. But first, let's briefly discover together what a logo is .

Logo and pictogram
To put it in a nutshell: the logo is the graphic sign that represents your brand . Mainly logos are divided into pictogram or logotype.

The logotype is pronounceable even if it is considered a typographically unique element. Therefore the logotype is a logo that involves the use of one or more words. Nike, Zadig & Voltaire, Amazon, Google, Zara, Comix, Leica are all logotypes.

The pictogram is a real, non-pronounceable icon in which graphic egypt whatsapp resource objects are represented. If these objects refer to the pronunciation of the brand name, they are called iconographic pictograms. If they refer to an abstract concept or an evocative figure, they are called ideograms.

Examples of iconographic pictograms are the Apple apple, the Burger King hamburger, and so on. On the contrary, examples of ideograms are the Ferrari prancing horse or the Lamborghini raging bull.

Mistakes to avoid
Depending on the visual communication strategy that you think is most appropriate for your brand, you can choose a logo or a pictogram. Once you have made this decision, if you have not already done so, you will have to dedicate yourself to naming , but this is another topic too big to cover in this article. Let's get back to us.

Once you have decided on the shape of your company logo, you will have to choose different elements such as the graphic shape, the font, the colors and more. In this delicate phase, a right choice is a step forward towards your perfect logo, but a mistake can ruin a job well done in an instant. This is why we have decided to propose a series of mistakes to avoid when creating your new logo.
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