I explain it in more detail in my guide to persuasive sales letters.

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I explain it in more detail in my guide to persuasive sales letters.

Post by mdsah512534 »

The main purposes of a sales letter are:
To make initial contact with the client
To let him know that you know what his business needs
To convince him to act on your business proposal
An effective sales letter, the first step: research the target
90% of sales letters fail precisely because of flaws in the research phase for the client or target to whom you decided to write the letter. A persuasive sales letter always starts with researching the client. Even before you start writing.

With the online tools chinese overseas america phone number data available today, it is possible to conduct a preliminary search for sales letters without bothering with paid databases or private libraries. Consulting a simple website like Reddit or Quora, or at most a few industry forums, will be enough for you.

Generally speaking, you just need to find a website that you know your ideal target user frequents and where you know you can find answers in a specific category that you are looking for. On these websites, you should be able to understand exactly what your target audience is talking about.

Paint the dream: Show your readers how you can help them achieve their dreams. For example: "You can bill while you sleep".


Twist the knife, shake the fear or twist the knife: Find something that really inspires fear or painful feelings in your readers. For example: "Do you know how you feel irritated and helpless when you open another bill?" .
Big discovery: This news may bring a "surprise effect" to your customers, and you need to overcome their uncertainty. For example: "After several attempts, I realized that the key to productivity is not time management, but energy management."
Self-evident truth: This is the most challenging part of the sales letter, because here you have to find a way to directly touch the customer's heart without explicitly saying what you want. You have to mention his pain points or fears in an indirect way. For example: “I know you care about the well-being of your collaborators. But who will take care of yours? "

Incredible Stories: The last type of hooks available in sales letters can be compared to the category of “Dreams and Hopes”. Here you tell an incredible story that shows that anyone has the ability to achieve their dreams if they want to. For example: “A 76-year-old man teaches a young man how to get in shape”.
Don’t you think there is a lot?

These hooks are so effective because they hold incredible communication potential. You may not believe it, but it is not difficult to understand how to use them in a persuasive sales letter.

All you have to do is to choose at least 3 that go hand in hand with the customer model you created during the research phase.

Once you have the outline of 3 highlights, you have to combine them into a story. Yes, that’s right, a story!

I’m sure you’ve heard about the importance of storytelling and how it is the best way for our brain to process information. You have to know that, at the end of the day, those who say that storytelling (when told well) works are not completely wrong.

At the same time, storytelling for sales letters is not that complicated. You just need to make sure to:
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