With Google cache you can check the accessibility of the site

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With Google cache you can check the accessibility of the site

Post by ahbappy250 »

Many people ignore Google's cache, but the information it provides should be read and analyzed by anyone doing SEO.

This post aims to provide an overview of this feature of Google's search engine from an SEO perspective.

But what is Google cache?
The cache is nothing more than a copy of a web page indexed by the Mountain View search engine. It is the html code that the Google bot (Googlebot) creates when it accesses each individual web page.

It is possible to view the cache of each indexed page of our site by searching for the single page in Google, and then in the results by clicking on the downward arrow, located next to the URL and in the menu that opens by clicking on “Copy Cache” .

How to view Google cache
We will thus have the visualization of our page, seen through the eyes of Googlebot.

Here are 4 SEO features that Google Cache offers us to improve our company's positioning in search engines.

#1 Checking the site architecture through Google cache
Each “cached” page, in addition to its html code, also has a date (with relative time), which refers to the last time Google updated the single page in its DB. This operation is important to understand if the architecture of our company website is optimal or not.

It is well known that Google has indexing problems from the 4th level onwards. The more levels there are, the more internal link building must be done to generate link equity (equal distribution of internal links to the site).

Check your site architecture through Google cache
When the most peripheral pages (2nd - 3rd - 4th level) are rarely updated, there is definitely something wrong with the architecture of our site: Google's spider may have problems navigating peru phone number the site or not be able to navigate it all.

It should also be noted that Google's update of each individual page is directly proportional to the site's " PageRank " . So high Page Ranks correspond to frequent updates of individual pages in the cache.

#2 With Google cache you can check the accessibility of the site
Often, those who program a site think only in terms of the user. This is why the display of products on an e-commerce site could be very different between robots and users.

In the snapshot below, you can see from the cache of a page of a famous luxury shoe brand that it displays 12 models for Google. Instead, the user with the javascript loading system will be able to display 91 on that same page! The page therefore deprives Google of the possibility of indexing 79 shoe models .
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