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Social Media Mistakes Your Business Should Avoid

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2025 9:18 am
by ahbappy250
7# Have a profile on every social network

Find out what mistakes companies make on social networks
“He who wants too much gets nothing ,” my mother used to tell me when I was a child.

Sometimes, because of the anxiety of having more visibility, we tend to want to be in a large number of platforms, without thinking about whether we have the professional, economic or logistical capacity to manage them at all. This means that instead of doing things correctly in one or two platforms (the ones where it really makes sense to be), due to too much ambition we find ourselves not being effective anywhere . In practice: like not being anywhere.

8# Posting exactly the same thing at the same namibia phone number time on all social networks
Along the same lines as the previous point, if I don't personalize the language I use on each social network, and my company doesn't bother to adapt to the characteristics and qualities of each of them, I won't get good results in this case either.

Déjà vu … this is what your followers will think when they see your social profiles.

Equally important is knowing the times when your audience is most active on each of your social platforms.

9# Not knowing the right language for each social network or, if you do know it, not adapting to it
Keep in mind, as I said before, that each platform has certain characteristics and a certain audience, so its language must also be particular. In Twitter you must respect the 140 characters, the Pinterest audience is made up of almost 70% women, in Google Plus, apparently, men abound, LinkedIn is ideal for networking between professionals, etc.