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The SPIN-selling method focuses on a fundamentally different approach

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2025 5:59 am
by mehadihasan1234
At the right moment, we formulate our sales proposal that meets the needs of the interlocutor: Seller (summing up): "It turns out that your further development is being held back by an outdated production base. If you don't wait, but modernize now, then within a year your profit will grow, and the costs will pay off quite quickly." Buyer : "That's right. I was putting off the decision until later, but your words made me think." Seller (directing): "Let's see what we can offer you.

Of course, the choice is yours, and we are ready to consider various new zealand whatsapp phone number options for cooperation." Remember that no matter what the chain of SPIN questions looks like, your task is to lead the client to a purchase, and in such a way that he himself wants to complete the transaction. Read also! Why There Are No Sales: We Rule Out a Crisis, We Dig Deeper The Secret to the Effectiveness of SPIN Selling The stereotypical image of a sales representative is a person who constantly spouts phrases about the advantages of his product and listens little to the words of clients.

In this case, the salesperson listens more and asks questions, and the course of the conversation depends on what information he received earlier. To some extent, this technique is more difficult, since you need to be able to adapt to the interlocutor, ask questions. Aggressive behavior tactics, where it is enough to learn one monologue and apply it everywhere, are simpler, but less effective. However, in SPIN selling there is also an opportunity to hone your skills, and instead of a single script, develop several drafts of the conversation with the client. Conversation script Source: Although modern business is changing rapidly, SPIN selling remains one of the most respected methods. According to Forbes, at least 30% of the world's 100 largest companies use it. Of course, over the past four decades, the SPIN method has been enriched with new techniques, but its general foundation remains unchanged - a dialogue with the client by formulating the right questions.